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Using Staff Qualifications

Staff qualifications allow you to manage the highly qualified teacher requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act. You can assign qualifications to teachers and define qualification requirements for courses. When you assign a teacher to a course-section, a warning will display if the teacher's qualifications do not fill the course requirements.

To use staff qualifications to enforce highly qualified teacher requirements:

  1. Define the qualifications that your district uses in the Staff Qualification validation table (Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables).
  2. Define the qualifications and associated expiration dates for staff members on the Staff District Information page (Scheduling > Courses > Resources > Staff > click a Staff Name).
  3. Define the qualifications required to teach the course in the Building Course Catalog (Scheduling > Courses > Building Courses > Building Course Catalog) or District Course Catalog (Scheduling > Courses > District Courses > District Course Catalog), depending on your procedures. If there are multiple qualifications for the course, enter all the qualifications that are required. If multiple qualifications are listed for a course, teachers are required to meet all qualifications.
  4. When you define the Master Schedule record for a course-section, you can change the staff qualifications required for the course (Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > Master Schedule).
    When you assign a primary staff member or secondary staff member for a session, the Master Schedule option determines whether the selected staff member is qualified to teach the course based on staff and course information. If the teacher does not have all the qualifications required for the course, you will get a warning message, and you must select a qualified teacher in order to save the course-section.
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