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Upload File Approval Page

On this page:

Use this page to review and approve or deny files uploaded by guardians or students from Home Access Center (HAC).

Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Office, and then select Upload File Approval.

After the document is uploaded in HAC by the guardian or student, a notification may be sent to the administrator on the new file upload.

The administrator can search or filter for the uploaded documents using the Search Criteria panel and clicking the Load icon. In the search results, the status of the newly uploaded attachment will be displayed as Initial Load.

After the uploaded document has been reviewed by the administrator, the status will be updated to Accepted or Denied and a notification is sent to the guardian or student email ID. Any document which is denied will require the administrator to enter the reason in the Status Detail field. Any document once approved or denied will be frozen from any further changes. Approved documents are stored as student attachments.

The Administrator cannot make any changes to the status of the category that has read-only access. The delete option is disabled for any category with read-only access.


Search Criteria Panel




Select the building for which the student and guardian uploaded the file.

Student ID

Enter the student ID for which the student and guardian uploaded the file.


Select the category to which the uploaded document belongs.

Upload Type

Select the document upload type of the uploaded document.

File Upload Status

Select the status of the uploaded document from the field's drop-down list, or click Asterisk to select all statuses, then remove any that do not apply.

File Name

Enter the file name of the document uploaded by the student and guardian.

Date Uploaded (Date)

Enter the date of the uploaded document or click the Calendar icon to select a date.

Select by Range

Select the date within a range using the Start Date and End Date options.

Start Date: Select:
By Date: to use a set date as your start date. Enter the first date to check for the uploaded document.
By Prior Days: to run the search for a set number of days. Enter the total days to include. Prior days count backward from the end date. This option is useful if you schedule the report to run periodically.

End Date: Select:
Today: to use the current date as your end date.
By Date: to use a set date as your start date. Enter the first date to check for the uploaded document.

HAC Attachments Panel




Displays the date of the uploaded document.

Student ID

Displays the student ID belonging to the uploaded document.

Student Name

Displays the student's name.


Displays the student's grade.


Displays the building where the student is attending classes.

File Name

Displays the file name of the uploaded document as a hyperlink. The administrator can click the link to review the uploaded document to approve or deny it.

Upload Type

Displays the type of the uploaded document.


Displays the instructions given during the document upload.

Note to School

Displays the note sent to the school by the guardian or parent during the document upload.


Displays the status of the uploaded document as Initial Load. Select the status of the uploaded document after review to set as Approved or Denied.

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