Use this page to enter a student's transportation to and from school.
For each travel direction, a student may have multiple segments of transportation. For example, if a high school student takes bus 100 to the middle school and then takes bus 23 to the high school, each bus would be listed for the student. Bus 100 would be segment 1 and bus 23 would be segment 2.
Add a new trip
Select Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Transportation to display the Student Search page.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
On the title bar of either the Travel to School or Travel from School panels, click Add to add a new trip.
Enter information for the trip.
Click Save.
Duplicate Travel to School rows on Travel from School panel
There is a duplicate feature that allows you to copy the Travel to School rows and add them to the Travel from School panel. This can save entry time if the student has multiple trips or segments that have common information. You can then make the necessary changes to the Travel from School records without needing to re-enter common information. The procedure below copies the rows from the Travel to School panel and pastes them below any existing rows in the Travel from School panel.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
On the title bar of the Travel from School panel, click Copy. This will copy all rows from the Travel to School panel and add them below any existing rows in the Travel from School panel.
Update information in the copied rows, so they reflect the correct travel from school trip information.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
Enter a check in the delete column of each row you wish to delete.
The row's information displays in strikethrough text when the delete box is checked.
You can click the (Delete) icon in the column header to select all rows for deletion.
You can click a checked box to deselect a row; its content changes to normal text from strikethrough.
Enter the information for the trip.
Click Save.
Student Information Bar
The bar, which displays on all student pages just below the Home icon and Menu button, includes options to view the student's alerts, attachments, and notes and to email the student's teachers and guardians.
Travel To School and Travel From School Panels
Number identifying the travel trip.
For example, if the student takes a bus from day care on Friday, but takes a bus from home on other days, the student would have two trips. Trip 1 for the transportation from home and Trip 2 for the transportation from day care.
A student may take the same trip on multiple days, but may not take multiple trips on the same day. Small Integer
Day Checkboxes (M,T,W,R,F)
Checked if the student is transported on the weekday indicated. For example, if a student takes bus 100 every weekday, check boxes for all the days displayed. If a student takes bus 100 on Monday and Friday, check M and F.
The checkboxes that are available are based on the weekdays included in the student's calendar. Typically, checkboxes will display for M - Monday, T - Tuesday, W - Wednesday, R - Thursday, and F - Friday.
Number indicating the travel segment, such as 1 or 2. A student who takes multiple buses to school will have multiple segments of travel on a given day. If only one bus trip is required, then one segment will suffice. Small Integer
Travel Type
Type of transportation for student for the specified day and segment. For example, bus, car, or walking.
Transport Distance
Select the distance for this segment.
Bus #
The student's bus number. Character/5
Bus Route
The student's bus route. Character/5
Stop #
The student's pick-up or drop-off bus stop number. Character/5
Stop Time
The student's pick-up or drop-off bus stop time in the format of HH:MM AM or HH:MM PM.
Shuttle Stop
The student's pick-up or drop-off shuttle stop number, if applicable. For example, if the student takes bus 100 from home to the middle school and bus 23 from the middle school to the high school, the shuttle stop for segment 1 would be the stop at the middle school. Character/5
Start Date
The starting date of this record. Only needed if your district tracks this information.
End Date
The ending date of this record. Only needed if your district tracks this information.
Stop Description
Detailed description of the student's stop, if needed. Any additional comments can be added - for example, if a special needs student must be met by an adult. Character/255
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