Use this page to define a view of test scores that you want teachers to be able to display using the Performance option in Teacher Access Center. For a view, you can select the test scores to display; specify the order that the test scores display in; indicate what score should be displayed if the student has taken the test multiple times; and specify ranges to use to display failing, proficient, and accelerated scores.
The Test Definition determines whether individual test scores are displayed for teachers. Additionally, the Test Definition may limit access to a test to teachers within specific buildings. If the Teacher Display field in Test Definition is set to Read/Write, then teachers can also update test scores for a given test.
On the Test Scores page in Teacher Access Center, the teacher can select the test score view to display. Then, the teacher can select the course, homeroom or activity for which the test scores should be displayed. If you define a Failure Threshold and Proficient Threshold, student scores will display with a color background to make it easier for the teacher to see which students have a score that is failing, proficient, or accelerated.
The Test Scores page in Teacher Access Center includes the ability to generate a report of the selected test score view. The report can be generated only if the view you have defined has 9 or less columns of test score information. If you select 10 or more score columns for a view the Report button will not display.
View TAC test views
Select Administration > TAC Setup > Setup > TAC Test View or Administration > Test Scores Setup > Setup > TAC Test View.
On the search page, search for the TAC test view, then click its link.
Add TAC test views
Select Administration > TAC Setup > Setup > TAC Test View or Administration > Test Scores Setup > Setup > TAC Test View.
Click Add.
Complete fields as needed.
To add a score, enter score information in the blank row in the Subtests and Scores panel.
Click Save.
Change TAC test views
Select Administration > TAC Setup > Setup > TAC Test View or Administration > Test Scores Setup > Setup > TAC Test View.
On the search page, search for the TAC test view, then click its link.
Change values as needed.
To add a score, enter score information in the blank row in the Subtests and Scores panel.
To delete a score, select the (Delete) checkbox.
Click Save.
Delete TAC test views
Select Administration > TAC Setup > Setup > TAC Test View or Administration > Test Scores Setup > Setup > TAC Test View.
On the search page, search for the TAC test view.
Select the (Delete) checkbox for each record to delete.
Click Save.
To confirm the delete, click Yes on the confirmation prompt. Otherwise, click No.
Definition Panel
Test Score View Code
Code for the test score view. Character/5
Teachers select the score view to display using the value entered in the Name of Test Score View.
Name of the test score view to display to teachers when they are selecting a test score view. Character/255
Subtests and Scores Panel
The order of the score fields affects how scores display on TAC's Test Scores page. To reorder a score, click the tab to the left of the Test field and drag to the desired location.
Test from which you want to display score. To search for a test, click Search next to the Form field.
Level of test from which you want to display score. To search for a test, click Search next to the Form field.
Form of test from which you want to display score. To search for a test, click Search next to this field.
Select the subtest from which you want to display score.
Select the score field to display.
Title to display for the score column on the Test Scores page. Character/8
Score Select
Indicates what score value to display if a student has more than one record for the same score.
R - Most Recent - to display the score from the most recent test date. L - Lowest - to display the lowest score. H - Highest - to display the highest score.
Failure Threshold
To display a color background for scores that are considered failing, enter the maximum score that is failing. Decimal/18,9
If you enter values in both the Failure Threshold and Proficient Threshold fields, you have specified three ranges of scores.
Any score equal to or less than the Failure Threshold value will be considered failing.
Any score that is greater than the Failure Threshold value, but equal to or less than the Proficient Threshold will be considered proficient.
Any score that is greater than the Proficient Threshold will be considered accelerated.
If you enter a value in the Failure Threshold, but not the Proficient Threshold, you have specified two ranges of scores.
Any score equal to or less than the Failure Threshold value will be considered failing.
Any score that is greater than the Failure Threshold value will be considered accelerated.
If you leave both the Failure Threshold and Proficient Threshold fields blank, the score will display with a white background.
You cannot enter a threshold for a score that is defined with a data type of Character.
Proficient Threshold
To display a color background for scores that are considered proficient, enter the maximum score that is proficient. Decimal/18,9
If you enter values in both the Failure Threshold and Proficient Threshold fields, you have specified three ranges of scores.
Any score equal to or less than the Failure Threshold value will be considered failing.
Any score that is greater than the Failure Threshold value, but equal to or less than the Proficient Threshold will be considered proficient.
Any score that is greater than the Proficient Threshold will be considered accelerated.
If you enter a value in the Proficient Threshold, but not the Failure Threshold, you have specified two ranges of scores.
Any score equal to or less than the Proficient Threshold value will be considered proficient.
Any score that is greater than the Proficient Threshold value will be considered accelerated.
If you leave both the Failure Threshold and Proficient Threshold fields blank, the score will display with a white background.
You cannot enter a threshold for a score that is defined with a data type of Character.
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