Use this page to add or change the codes used in your district to define the interventions for Student Success Plan. For example, interventions could include peer tutoring, alternative education placement, or computer-based instruction. The Interventions table for Success Plans validates the Intervention field on the Success Plan Detail and Success Plan Reason Template pages.
Menu Path:Administration > Interventions Setup > Success Plan > Success Plan Interventions
View intervention codes
Select Administration > Interventions Setup > Success Plan > Success Plan Interventions.
Click the Intervention link of the record you want to view. The Success Plan Intervention page displays.
Add intervention codes
Select Administration > Interventions Setup > Success Plan > Success Plan Interventions.
Click Add.
On the Success Plan Intervention page, complete the fields as needed.
Click Save.
Change intervention codes
Select Administration > Interventions Setup > Success Plan > Success Plan Interventions.
Click the Intervention link of the record you want to change.
Change the values as needed.
Click Save.
Delete mark types for an intervention
Select Administration > Interventions Setup > Success Plan > Success Plan Interventions.
Click the link of the intervention that contains the marks you want to delete.
On the Mark Types panel, select the (Delete) checkbox of each mark type to delete.
Click Save.
Delete intervention codes
Select Administration > Interventions Setup > Success Plan > Success Plan Interventions.
Select the (Delete) checkbox of each Intervention code to delete. The checkbox only displays for codes that are not in use.
Click Save.
Click Yes.
This page is divided into multiple sections.
General Panel
Intervention Code
Code identifying the intervention. Character/5
Description of the intervention. Character/255
Intervention Type
Select the intervention type for this intervention. For example, intervention types could indicate that the intervention is offered in the classroom, before school, after school, or at home.
The types of interventions are defined in Student Success Plan's Intervention Type table (Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables > select Student Success Plan as the application, then Intervention Types as the table). Intervention types must be set up before you can add Intervention codes.
Default Frequency
Select the frequency of progress reporting that would most typically be used for the intervention.
A - As Needed - to indicate that progress will not be entered at a scheduled frequency. E - Each Day - to indicate that progress will be entered daily. S - Selected Dates - to indicate that progress will be entered on selected dates. If you select this option, the Selected Dates field displays so you can enter a comma-delimited list of dates or you can select dates. W - Weekly - to indicate that progress will be entered once a week. If you select this option, the Weekly field displays so you can select the day of the week on which progress will be entered.
State Code Equiv
If your district's state reporting package covers student success plan information, indicate the state-defined code that corresponds to your intervention validation code.
The State Code Equiv field can be used by your state reporting system to convert the local value to the corresponding state value. Character/10
Refer to your state reporting documentation for more information.
Checked if the code should be available to users when adding interventions.
Mark Types Panel
This panel lists the mark types used to record progress for an intervention. Additionally, you can indicate the grading scale for validating the marks entered for an intervention's mark type.
If you do not select any mark types, the user can enter progress comments, but not progress marks.
Mark Type
Select the mark type for entering progress for this intervention.
Grade Scale
Select the grading scale to use for validating the mark type.
To delete a mark type, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save. The checkbox only displays for records that are not in use.
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