Use this page to add or change a grading scale record for Student Success Plan.
View success plan grading scales
Select Administration > Interventions Setup > Success Plan > Success Plan Grading Scale.
Click the Scale Type link of the grading scale you want to view. The Success Plan Grade Scale page displays.
Add success plan grading scales
Select Administration > Interventions Setup > Success Plan > Success Plan Grading Scale.
Click Add.
Complete the page's fields as needed.
Click Save.
Change success plan grading scales
Select Administration > Interventions Setup > Success Plan > Success Plan Grading Scale.
Click the Scale Type link of the grading scale you want to change.
Change the values as needed.
Click Save.
Delete intervention grading scale marks
Select Administration > Interventions Setup > Success Plan > Success Plan Grading Scale.
Click the Scale Type link of the grading scale that includes the marks.
Select the (Delete) checkbox of each mark to delete.
Click Save.
Delete success plan grading scales
Select Administration > Interventions Setup > Success Plan > Success Plan Grading Scale.
Select the (Delete) checkbox of each grading scale to delete. The checkbox only displays for records that are not in use.
Click Save.
Click Yes.
General Panel
Grading Scale Type
Code to identify the grading scale type. After you save a scale, the code displays on the tab label to identify the grading scale. Character/5
Description of the grading scale type. Character/255
Intervention Grading Scale Panel
Use this section to set up progress marks for interventions. To reorder a mark, click the tab to the left of the Mark field and drag the row the desired location.
Mark that students can earn as a progress mark for an intervention. You may enter numeric or character values; for example, letter grades, such as A, B, C, D, and F, or numeric grades such as 100, 99, 98, and so forth. Character/3
You also may use the buttons next to the Mark field to enter symbol values (ü • + - / ). All marks that may be issued must be defined.
The description of the mark. Character/255
Checked if the mark is active for the current year.
To delete a grading row, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save. The checkbox only displays for marks that are not in use.
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