Use this page to create district-defined fields to include in a success plan for a plan type. District-defined fields can be added to track additional information for the plan, goals, and objectives. Up to 10 fields can be added for each of those areas.
View district-defined fields for a plan type
Select Administration > Interventions Setup > Success Plan > Success Plan District Defined.
Click a plan type link to display the district-defined fields.
Add district-defined fields for a plan type
Select Administration > Interventions Setup > Success Plan > Success Plan District Defined.
Click a plan type link to display the district-defined fields.
On the appropriate panel, click Add on the panel's bar to display the fields for adding a field to the specified success plan area.
Complete the panel's fields as needed.
Click Apply to complete the field.
Repeat Steps 3-5 for each additional field.
Click Save.
Edit district-defined fields for a plan type
Select Administration > Interventions Setup > Success Plan > Success Plan District Defined.
Click a plan type link to display the district-defined fields.
Click Edit for the field.
Complete the panel's fields as needed.
Click Apply to complete the field.
Repeat Steps 3-5 for each field that needs to be edited.
Click Save.
Delete district-defined fields from a plan type
Select Administration > Interventions Setup > Success Plan > Success Plan District Defined
Click a plan type link to display the district-defined fields.
On the Fields panel:
Select the (Delete) checkbox of each field you want to delete. or
Click the (Delete) icon at the top of the column to select all checkboxes.
Click Save.
Definition Panel
Code identifying a plan type, as defined in the Plan Types table.
Text description or title of the plan type, for example, Academic Success Plan or Behavioral Success Plan.
Plan Area Detail Panel
Fields added to this panel display on the Success Plan Detail page's Plan Definition panel. These fields are grouped in the "Other Plan Information" section.
To display a set of fields for adding a new field to the district-defined page, click Add on the far right of the panel's title bar. Click Apply to add the field, then click Save to save it.
To reorder a row, click the tab at the row’s left and drag to the desired location.
Field List Section (untitled)
Field Number
Identifies the field. You may use any number from 1 to 32767. You cannot use a number that identifies another district-defined field. Integer/5
Field Label
Displays the field's label as it will display on the Success Plan Detail page.
Default Value
Displays the default value selected for the field.
Click Edit to display the fields used to define the field. After editing the field's values, click Apply, then click Save.
To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save.
Definition Section
The fields in this section display when you click Add or Edit.
Field Number
Identifies the field. You can use any number from 1 to 32767, but you cannot repeat a number. Integer/5
Title of the field. Character/30
Field Section
Field Type
Indicates how the user enters information for the field.
Checkbox - to display the field as a checkbox. You can use the Default Value checkbox in the Defaults section to specify whether the checkbox should be selected by default. Dropdown - to display the field as a drop-down list from which users can select a value. The values are specified in the Validation section's List field. Each value should be separated by a comma, for example, 10,20,30 or Baseball,Football,Soccer. Input - to display the field as an input field so users can enter text. You also can specify a Table (in the Validation section) from which the user can select a valid value.
Is Required
Checked if the user must enter a value in the field to be able to save the plan.
Data Section
Data Type
Identifies the type of data users can enter in the field you are defining.
Character - to allow alpha-numeric characters to be entered. Date - to allow dates to be entered. Number - to allow numbers to be entered.
This field can be accessed only if you selected Input as the Field Type.
Determines the maximum number of characters that can be entered in the field you are defining. You can enter any number from 1 to 32767. Small Integer
This field can be accessed only if you selected Character as the Data Type.
Number Type
Identifies the type of numeric data that can be entered in the field you are defining.
Decimal - to allow decimal numbers to be entered. Integer - to allow integers (whole numbers) to be entered.
This field can be accessed only if you selected Number as the Data Type.
Precision is the number of digits in a decimal number. For example, the number 123.45 has a precision of 5.
This field can be accessed only if you selected Decimal as the Number Type.
Scale is the number of digits after the decimal point in a decimal number. For example, the number 123.45 has a precision of 5 and a scale of 2.
This field can be accessed only if you selected Decimal as the Number Type.
Defaults Section
Default Value
Determines the value that will display by default in the field you are defining.
The value should match the characteristics defined in the Data section. For example, if you selected Character as the Data Type and 8 as the Size, then the default should be in characters and its length should not exceed 8 characters.
If you selected Checkbox as the Field Type, the Default Value field displays as a checkbox. Select the field if you want the resulting checkbox to be selected by default.
If you selected Date as the Data Type, you can default today's date to the resulting field by entering the keyword TODAY.
Validation Section
Lists the values that can be entered when a field's Field Type is Dropdown. Separate each value with a comma and without spaces, for example, Graduate,Registrant,Student.
If the Required checkbox is not selected, a blank value is provided automatically.
If a Default Value is not specified, the blank value will display by default.
The table to reference for validating data when the Field Type is Input. When a table and one of its fields are used for validation, users can select from the values stored in the selected field.
Code Field
The field to reference for validating data when the Field Type is Input. The fields available for selection depend on the table identified in the previous field. Users can select from the values stored in the selected field.
Description Field
The description of the Code Field selected. Select the description from the list that displays.
Goal Area Detail Panel
Fields added to this panel display on the Success Plan Detail page's Student Goals panel. The panel displays a separate section for each of the student's goals. The district-defined fields display for each goal in the "Other Goal Information" section.
To display a set of fields for adding a new field to the district-defined page, click Add on the far right of the panel's title bar. Click Apply to add the field, then click Save to save it.
To reorder a row, click the tab at the row’s left and drag to the desired location.
Field List Section (untitled)
Field Number
Identifies the field. You may use any number from 1 to 32767. You cannot use a number that identifies another district-defined field. Integer/5
Field Label
Displays the field's label as it will display on the Success Plan Detail page.
Default Value
Displays the default value selected for the field.
Click Edit to display the fields used to define the field. After editing the field's values, click Apply, then click Save.
To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save.
Definition Section
The fields in this section display when you click Add or Edit.
Field Number
Identifies the field. You can use any number from 1 to 32767, but you cannot repeat a number. Integer/5
Title of the field. Character/30
Field Section
Field Type
Indicates how the user enters information for the field.
Checkbox - to display the field as a checkbox. You can use the Default Value checkbox in the Defaults section to specify whether the checkbox should be selected by default. Dropdown - to display the field as a drop-down list from which users can select a alue. The values are specified in the Validation section's List field. Each value should be separated by a comma, for example, 10,20,30 or Baseball,Football,Soccer. Input - to display the field as an input field so users can enter text. You also can specify a Table (in the Validation section) from which the user can select a valid value.
Is Required
Checked if the user must enter a value in the field to be able to save the plan.
Data Section
Data Type
Identifies the type of data users can enter in the field you are defining.
Character - to allow alpha-numeric characters to be entered. Date - to allow dates to be entered. Number - to allow numbers to be entered.
This field can be accessed only if you selected Input as the Field Type.
Determines the maximum number of characters that can be entered in the field you are defining. You can enter any number from 1 to 32767. Small Integer
This field can be accessed only if you selected Character as the Data Type.
Number Type
Identifies the type of numeric data that can be entered in the field you are defining.
Decimal - to allow decimal numbers to be entered. Integer - to allow integers (whole numbers) to be entered.
This field can be accessed only if you selected Number as the Data Type.
Precision is the number of digits in a decimal number. For example, the number 123.45 has a precision of 5.
This field can be accessed only if you selected Decimal as the Number Type.
Scale is the number of digits after the decimal point in a decimal number. For example, the number 123.45 has a precision of 5 and a scale of 2.
This field can be accessed only if you selected Decimal as the Number Type.
Defaults Section
Default Value
Determines the value that will display by default in the field you are defining.
The value should match the characteristics defined in the Data section. For example, if you selected Character as the Data Type and 8 as the Size, then the default should be in characters and its length should not exceed 8 characters.
If you selected Checkbox as the Field Type, the Default Value field displays as a checkbox. Select the field if you want the resulting checkbox to be selected by default.
If you selected Date as the Data Type, you can default today's date to the resulting field by entering the keyword TODAY.
Validation Section
Lists the values that can be entered when a field's Field Type is Dropdown. Separate each value with a comma and without spaces, for example, Graduate,Registrant,Student.
If the Required checkbox is not selected, a blank value is provided automatically.
If a Default Value is not specified, the blank value will display by default.
The table to reference for validating data when the Field Type is Input. When a table and one of its fields are used for validation, users can select from the values stored in the selected field.
Code Field
The field to reference for validating data when the Field Type is Input. The fields available for selection depend on the table identified in the previous field. Users can select from the values stored in the selected field.
Description Field
The description of the Code Field selected. Select the description from the list that displays.
Goal Objectives Panel
Fields added to this panel display for the objectives displayed on the Success Plan Detail page's Student Goals panel. Objectives are defined for each goal in the student's plan. The district-defined fields display for each objective.
To display a set of fields for adding a new field to the district-defined page, click Add on the far right of the panel's title bar. Click Apply to add the field, then click Save to save it.
To reorder a row, click the tab at the row’s left and drag to the desired location.
Field List Section (untitled)
Field Number
Identifies the field. You may use any number from 1 to 32767. You cannot use a number that identifies another district-defined field. Integer/5
Field Label
Displays the field's label as it will display on the Success Plan Detail page.
Default Value
Displays the default value selected for the field.
Click Edit to display the fields used to define the field. After editing the field's values, click Apply, then click Save.
To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save.
Definition Section
The fields in this section display when you click Add or Edit.
Field Number
Identifies the field. You can use any number from 1 to 32767, but you cannot repeat a number. Integer/5
Title of the field. Character/30
Field Section
Field Type
Indicates how the user enters information for the field.
Checkbox - to display the field as a checkbox. You can use the Default Value checkbox in the Defaults section to specify whether the checkbox should be selected by default. Dropdown - to display the field as a drop-down list from which users can select a value. The values are specified in the Validation section's List field. Each value should be separated by a comma, for example, 10,20,30 or Baseball,Football,Soccer. Input - to display the field as an input field so users can enter text. You also can specify a Table (in the Validation section) from which the user can select a valid value.
Is Required
Checked if the user must enter a value in the field to be able to save the plan.
Data Section
Data Type
Identifies the type of data users can enter in the field you are defining.
Character - to allow alpha-numeric characters to be entered. Date - to allow dates to be entered. Number - to allow numbers to be entered.
This field can be accessed only if you selected Input as the Field Type.
Determines the maximum number of characters that can be entered in the field you are defining. You can enter any number from 1 to 32767. Small Integer
This field can be accessed only if you selected Character as the Data Type.
Number Type
Identifies the type of numeric data that can be entered in the field you are defining.
Decimal - to allow decimal numbers to be entered. Integer - to allow integers (whole numbers) to be entered.
This field can be accessed only if you selected Number as the Data Type.
Precision is the number of digits in a decimal number. For example, the number 123.45 has a precision of 5.
This field can be accessed only if you selected Decimal as the Number Type.
Scale is the number of digits after the decimal point in a decimal number. For example, the number 123.45 has a precision of 5 and a scale of 2.
This field can be accessed only if you selected Decimal as the Number Type.
Defaults Section
Default Value
Determines the value that will display by default in the field you are defining.
The value should match the characteristics defined in the Data section. For example, if you selected Character as the Data Type and 8 as the Size, then the default should be in characters and its length should not exceed 8 characters.
If you selected Checkbox as the Field Type, the Default Value field displays as a checkbox. Select the field if you want the resulting checkbox to be selected by default.
If you selected Date as the Data Type, you can default today's date to the resulting field by entering the keyword TODAY.
Validation Section
Lists the values that can be entered when a field's Field Type is Dropdown. Separate each value with a comma and without spaces, for example, Graduate,Registrant,Student.
If the Required checkbox is not selected, a blank value is provided automatically.
If a Default Value is not specified, the blank value will display by default.
The table to reference for validating data when the Field Type is Input. When a table and one of its fields are used for validation, users can select from the values stored in the selected field.
Code Field
The field to reference for validating data when the Field Type is Input. The fields available for selection depend on the table identified in the previous field. Users can select from the values stored in the selected field.
Description Field
The description of the Code Field selected. Select the description from the list that displays.
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