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Student Day Totals Page

Use this page to view a student's attendance day information as determined by the Day Totals Calculation. The totals, which are based on the attendance views set up for your building, can apply to either the regular school year or summer school, depending on the environment selected.

Each day shows the membership value, building, grade, and calendar. If a student was absent on a day, it also shows the attendance code and absence with the subsequent breakdown displayed in periods or minutes, depending on the view.

View day totals

  1. Verify that the Day Totals Calculation was run for the building, view, and intervals that apply to the totals you want to display.
  2. Select Attendance > All > Student > Student Day Totals.
  3. On the Selections card, select the appropriate View Type.
  4. To limit the display to dates where attendance was entered, select the Only Show Dates With Attendance checkbox.
  5. Specify the time period by Interval, Date Range, or Selected Dates.
  6. Click Load to display the totals.


Selections Panel

The fields in this section determine the parameters for displaying records on the Day Totals panel. If you change any of the fields, you must click Load to display new totals. Depending on when the Day Totals calculation was last run, you may need to re-run calculation after completing these fields.



View Type

Select the appropriate attendance view.

Only Show Dates With Attendance Codes

Checked if the day total records should be limited to dates where attendance was entered. Otherwise, all dates selected will display.

Select one of the following options:


With this option, select the attendance interval for displaying attendance totals.

Date Range

With this option, enter from-to dates for displaying attendance totals.

Selected Dates

With this option, select the dates for displaying attendance totals.

Day Totals Panel

This panel displays the day totals records for the view type and selected interval, date range, or dates.



Totals last calculated on

The date when the Day Totals Calculation was last run for the View Type you selected.


The date of the Day Totals record.

Att(endance) Code

The attendance code that was calculated, based on the attendance entered for the student for a day and the setup of the attendance view. For example, all codes related to excused absences, such as codes for medically excused and college visits, could be converted to a single code of E for Excused.


The day's absence value that was calculated based on the attendance entered for the student for a day and the attendance view setup. For example, if the student was absent for half of the day, the value could be 0.5.


The day's membership value, for example, 0 for a non-membership day or 1 for a regular membership day.


The building where the student was enrolled for attendance.


The student's grade level.


The student's calendar on the attendance date. The calendar indicates which dates the student should attend school. You may have different calendars, such as a regular calendar for grades 01 - 05 and a kindergarten calendar in an elementary school.

The titles of the following fields depend on whether the selected view is set up to calculate attendance in periods or minutes. These totals only show if the student has an absence code for a particular calendar date. The fields are blank for all days where no absence code exists.

Max Day Periods/MinutesThe maximum number of attendance periods or minutes on this date.

Total Day Periods/Minutes

The number of attendance periods or minutes on this date.

Student Scheduled Periods/Minutes

If your building has scheduled courses, the total number of attendance periods or minutes that the student was scheduled to attend courses that took attendance on this date for this attendance view. Otherwise, this value is always equal to Total Day Periods.

Student Unscheduled Periods/Minutes

If your building has scheduled courses, the total number of attendance periods or minutes that the student was not scheduled to attend a course that takes attendance on this date for this attendance view. Otherwise, this value is always zero.

Present Periods/Minutes

The number of attendance periods or minutes the student was present.

Absent Periods/Minutes

The number of attendance periods or minutes the student was absent.

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