Student Competency Report Card Cycle Procedures
Following is an overview of the process to generate report cards for student competencies.
- Update the MR Building Configuration (Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Setup > MR Building Configuration) to:
- Change the Current RC Run field to the current report card run that the building is processing. Teacher Access Center and Report Card by Competency options default to the current report card run.
- Verify that the correct settings are selected on the Teacher Access panel so teachers can enter information as needed in TAC.
- Run the Build Student Competencies option (Mark Reporting > Utilities > Build Report Card Data > Build Student Competencies) to create and update competencies records. You need to run this option before you begin report card processing for a marking period to create student competency records. This option also updates competency information to reflect changes made to a student's teacher assignments.
- Enter grades and comments information using one of the following options:
- Teacher Access Center - Teachers can enter grades for students on a page that lists all students in the competency for the marking period. If the teacher uses Gradebook, they can load grade information for report cards.
- Report Card by Competency Group - Users can enter grades for the current marking period on a page that lists all students in a competency group. (Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Office > Report Card by Competency Group)
- Student Competencies - Users can view grade and comment information for all marking periods for a student. (Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Student > Student Competencies)
- Run selected Mark Reporting reports to analyze report card data.
- Competency Missing Submission - Lists the teachers who have not submitted grades using Teacher Access Center. (Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Report Card Reports > Competency Missing Submission)
- Competency Verification Sheet - Provides grade entry verification information for teachers. (Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Report Card Reports > Competency Verification Sheet)
- Student Competency Summary Report - Lists students who have received specific marks or blank marks. You may use this to print a list of students who are in danger of failing. (Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Report Card Reports > Student Competency Summary)
- Verify data and make corrections as needed. You may need to repeat various steps of the report cards cycle to correct report card information.
- Run the Print Report Cards (Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Report Card Reports > Print Report Cards) option to generate report cards for students.
- The first time you run this option for a report card run, you must enter a check in the Refresh MR Data Before Print box to create the data warehouse.
- Also, if you have changed report card information and you want the information to be reflected on the report cards for the current run, you must generate the data warehouse before printing report cards.