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Student Audit Trail Detail Page

Use this page to view information from the attendance audit trail table for a student.

View the student's attendance audit trail

  1. Select Attendance > All > Student > Audit Trail Detail.
  2. If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
  3. On the Selections panel, complete the fields as needed.
  4. Click Load to display attendance on the Audit Trail panel.


Selections Panel



Attendance Date

Specify the attendance interval or dates to print.


Interval - to select an attendance interval.
Date Range - to run the report for a range of dates. To include data from previous years, enter a check in the Include previous years box.

Include Previous Years

Checked if you want to include previous years in your date range. This field can be accessed only if Date Range is selected.

Bottomline Only

Checked if you want to include only the official bottom line attendance entry. Your building administrator has selected whether the office entry or teacher entry is the bottom line entry.

Audit Trail Panel

After completing the fields on the Selections panel, click Load to display the student's attendance.

Some fields on the right may not be visible. If needed, use the horizontal scroll bar at the bottom to view the additional fields.




The date of the attendance record.


The attendance period for which attendance was entered.


The building for which attendance was entered.


Indicates whether attendance was entered as Office or Teacher.


The attendance code entered for the student.

  • If the code field is blank, then an attendance record was deleted for the attendance period.
  • If the Bottomline field is No for an attendance period, then the student's attendance for the period was deleted and the student was present for the period.

Dismiss Time

The dismissal time in HH:MM AM or HH:MM PM format.

Arrive Time

The arrival time in HH:MM AM or HH:MM PM format.

Btm (Bottom) Line

Yes indicates this attendance record is the final code for the student for reporting purposes. No indicates another code is the final code.

  • If the Bottomline field is No for an attendance period, then the student's attendance for the period was deleted and the student was present for the period.

Entry User

The login ID of the person who entered the attendance.

Entry Date

The day and time this entry was made.


Text describing the attendance entry.

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