Use this window to upload, download, and delete attachment files for students.
The types of files that can attached to a student's records are defined in your Registration District Configuration, which also determines whether the attachments feature is available. In addition, the configuration sets the maximum number of attachments allowed per student, as well as their maximum size.
One of two icons can display for a student on the Student Information bar:
Indicates that no attachments are available for the student.
Indicates one or more attachments are available for the student.
Clicking the icon displays the Student Attachments window, where you can attach a new file to a student or download an existing file. The files that display depend on your security resources.
If you download and change a file, you can upload it, but you must assign a new name, since the system prevents overwriting an existing attachment. You then can delete or retain the original attachment, as needed.
Click (Attach) or (Attachment) on the Student Information bar, which displays on all student pages in eSchoolPlus. If the bar is collapsed, you must click (Expand) to the left of the student's name to access the icon.
Upload student attachments
Display the Student Attachments window as described in the introduction.
Click Add to display a dialog for choosing a file.
Locate the file, then click Open to close the dialog. The name of the file will display in the window's File field.
Select a Category.
Click Save. In saving a file, you can only use one of the extensions allowed by your Registration District Configuration. The configuration also limits the number of files you can save per student and their size.
Download and view student attachments
Display the Student Attachments window as described in the introduction. The window displays the list of the attachments that you can access based on your security resources.
In the File field, click the file's link. This downloads the file to a default location, such as your Download directory. A link for opening the file also may display at the bottom of your browser window.
Open the file.
If needed, you may save the file to your desktop or another directory.
Change student attachments
Display the Student Attachments window as described in the introduction.
In the File field, click the file's link. This downloads the file to a default location, such as your Download directory. A link for opening the file also may display at the bottom of your browser window.
Open the file from the directory it was downloaded to, using the software you wish use for changing the file.
After changing the file, save it to your desktop or another directory.
If you plan to upload the file, you must save it under a new name. For the steps to follow, refer to the upload procedure.
Delete student attachments
Display the Student Attachments window as described in the introduction.
Select the (Delete) checkbox for each attachment you want to delete.
Click Save.
Attachments Section
The file's name and extension, for example, Assessment.doc and Birth_Certificate.pdf. Clicking a file's link downloads the file
Some considerations regarding attachment files:
The files that display depend on your security resources, as determined by the Category field.
The types of files that can be uploaded depend on their extensions, as determined by the Registration District Configuration. Extensions are the characters following the dot (period) at the end of a file's name, for example,.docx,.pdf, or.png.
If you attempt to upload a file that is not allowed by the configuration, an error message displays listing the file extensions that are accepted.
The configuration defines the maximum number of files that may be attached to a student. A message displays when you reach the maximum, and the Add icon is disabled. The only way to attach another file is to delete an existing attachment.
The configuration also limits the size of the files that can be attached. If you attempt to attach a file larger than this, an error message displays indicating the number of kilobytes allowed.
Before selecting a file, make sure its file name conforms with your district's standards. You also may need to rename a file so its contents can be easily identified by others.
If you download a file and make changes, you can upload the edited file to the same student but only if you assign a new name. You cannot upload a file that has the same name as one of the student's existing attachments.
The user name of the person who uploaded the file.
Upload Date
The date and time that the file was uploaded.
The category that applies to the file, as defined in Registration's Attachment Categories page. Categories determine the security resources required for accessing a file.
For example, the category Registration might restrict access to users who have security for maintaining Registration records. If so, the file will not display in the Student Attachments window for users who do not have this security resource.
You must assign a category to save an uploaded file.
To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save.
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