This page defines the state course codes for course equivalencies. State course codes are stored by year and are loaded by PowerSchool based on your state's requirements. You may need to add courses if your district has local courses that should be printed on a state transcript.
View state courses
Select Scheduling from the main menu, selectCoursessubmenu, selectDistrict Courses, and then selectState Courses.
If needed, run a search in the State Courses Search page to locate the course you want to view.
Click the course's State Code link to display the State Courses page.
Add state courses
Select Scheduling from the main menu, selectCoursessubmenu, selectDistrict Courses, and then selectState Courses.
On the State Courses Search page, click Add.
Complete the fields on the State Courses page.
Click Save.
To add another course, click Add, then repeat Steps 3-4.
Change state courses
Select Scheduling from the main menu, selectCoursessubmenu, selectDistrict Courses, and then selectState Courses.
If needed run a search in the State Courses Search page to locate the course.
Click the course's State Code link to display the State Courses page.
Change the values as needed.
Click Save.
Delete state courses
Select Scheduling from the main menu, selectCoursessubmenu, selectDistrict Courses, and then selectState Courses.
If needed run a search in the State Courses Search page to locate the courses you want.
Select the (Delete) checkbox for each course you want to delete. The checkbox only displays for courses that are not being used in other records.
Click Save.
State Course Detail Panel
State Code
The course code to report to the state. Character/10
Description of the state course. Character/255
Abbreviated Course Name
Course description that can be displayed on reports and pages where space is limited. Character/50
If you entered an abbreviated course name, it will be used as the course name in the Master Schedule record that is created for the state course code.
If you do not enter an abbreviated course name, the value entered in the Description field is used as the course Description in the Master Schedule.
Course Category
Select the Course Category code associated with the Abbreviated Course Name (usually, a state course number).
State Course Credit
Enter the state course credit applicable for the course.
CTE Course Level
Select the course level applicable in the CTE program.
CTE Course Weight
Select the course weightage applicable in the CTE program.
CTE Course Tier
The CTE course tier value based on the course level.
Select if the state course is active.
Required Credit to Complete
To adjust the amount of credits required to earn or complete the connected state course.
Flag 01 through Flag 10
These flags are used to determine what records are reported for this course for your state. For example, if your state reports a VOCED record for vocational courses only, Flag 01 may be used to specify whether a VOCED record should be created for a course.
If your district has entered labels for these flags in the State Course Flag Labels List Validation Table, the label will display in place of the generic flag name. For example, VOCED would display next to the first box on the page if VOCED was entered as the first flag in the validation table.
Your state reporting documentation will indicate which flags are used for your state and specify what each flag indicates.
Flag 01 through Flag 04 are named as Valid for 090 Records, Valid for 170 Records, Valid for 410 Records, and Valid for 415 Records.
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