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Scheduling Timetables Page

On this page:

Use this page to add or update a timetable for the selected building. The timetable associates each timeslot in each cycle day within a week with specific start and end times and scheduling periods.

You can create two types of timetables: Standard and Alternate. By default, the Standard Cycle Days panel displays on the page. To display the Alternate Cycle Days panel, click Alternate next to the page's title.

If a building is set up to allow multiple bell schedules, you can create multiple timetables for the building. In this case, you must assign the house/teams that use the bell schedule. Otherwise, you do not need to assign a house/team.

Display scheduling timetables

  1. Select Administration > Scheduling Setup > Setup > Scheduling Timetables.
  2. Click the Bell Schedule link for the building and timetable you want to display.
  3. After the Scheduling Timetables page displays, click Standard or Alternate, depending on the type of timetable.

Add scheduling timetables

  1. Select Administration > Scheduling Setup > Setup > Scheduling Timetables.
  2. Click N/A, Configure, or Add for the appropriate building.
  3. On the Scheduling Timetables page, click Standard or Alternate depending on the type of timetable you are creating.
  4. In the Cycle Day field, select the cycle day for the timetable you are adding, or select All to apply the timetable to all cycle days.
  5. Enter the Start Time and End Time for Timeslot 1, then select the Period.
  6. Repeat Step 4 for each subsequent period in the cycle day.
    If your district allows passing time between periods, leave the appropriate gap between the End Times and Start Times.
    The Period Length and Passing Time display automatically as you complete the times for a period.
  7. Click Save.

Use Auto-Update to create a timetable

  1. Select Administration > Scheduling Setup > Setup > Scheduling Timetables.
  2. On the Scheduling Timetables Filter page, click a building's Configure link or Add icon.
  3. On the Scheduling Timetables page, click Standard or Alternate, depending on the type of timetable you are creating.
  4. On the Auto-Update Standard (or Alternate) Cycle Days panel, select the Enable Automatic Update checkbox.
  5. Using minutes, enter the Period Length and Passing Time that apply to the periods in each cycle day.
  6. In the Cycle Day field, select the cycle day for the timetable you are adding, or select All to apply the timetable to all cycle days.
  7. In the first Timeslot field, enter the time for the start of the cycle day, then press <Tab> to populate the Start Times and End Times for all periods.
    For example, enter 8:15 in Timeslot 1. If you set the Period Length to 45 and the Passing Time to 5, the timeslot will end at 9:00 when you press <Tab>. Timeslot 2 will begin at 9:05 and end at 9:50. Each subsequent period will run 45 minutes with 5 minutes between periods.
  8. In the Period fields, assign the appropriate period to each timeslot.
  9. Adjust times as needed, by changing the Start Time for a period, then pressing <Tab>. The times for all subsequent periods will change accordingly.
  10. Click Save.

Change scheduling timetables

  1. Select Administration > Scheduling Setup > Setup > Scheduling Timetables.
  2. On the Scheduling Timetables Filter page, click the Bell Schedule link for the timetable you want to change.
  3. On the Scheduling Timetables page, change the values as needed.
  4. Click Save.

Use Auto-Update to change a timetable

  1. Select Administration > Scheduling Setup > Setup > Scheduling Timetables.
  2. On the Scheduling Timetables Filter page, click the Bell Schedule link for the timetable you want to change.
  3. On the Scheduling Timetables page, click Standard or Alternate, depending on the type of timetable you are changing.
  4. On the Auto-Update Standard (or Alternate) Cycle Days panel, select the Enable Automatic Update checkbox.
  5. Using minutes, enter the Period Length and Passing Time that apply to the periods in each cycle day.
  6. In the Cycle Day field, select the cycle day for the timetable you are adding, or select All to apply the timetable to all cycle days.
  7. In the first Timeslot field, enter the time for the start of the cycle day, then press <Tab> to populate the Start Times and End Times for all periods.
    For example, enter 7:30 in Timeslot 1. If you set the Period Length to 50 and the Passing Time to 10, the timeslot will end at 8:20 when you press <Tab>. Timeslot 2 will begin at 8:30 and end at 9:20. Each subsequent period will run 50 minutes with 10 minutes between periods.
  8. In the Period fields, assign the appropriate period to each timeslot.
  9. Adjust times as needed, by changing the Start Time for a period, then pressing <Tab>. The times for all subsequent periods will change accordingly.
  10. Click Save.


Building Panel



Bell Schedule

Code for the bell schedule. Character/5

Displays only if a building is set up to allow multiple bell schedules. Otherwise, N/A displays.


House/Teams that use this bell schedule.

Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click

(asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.

A house/team may only be assigned to one bell schedule.

This field displays only if the building is set up to allow multiple bell schedules.

Auto-Update Standard (or Alternate) Cycle Days Panel

Use this panel to update your cycle days if all days have the same timetable. By default, the page displays the Auto-Update panel for standard cycle days. To display the Auto-Update Alternate Cycle Days panel, click Alternate next to the page's title.



Enable Automatic Update

Checked if the timeslots in the current timetable are uniform and you want the system to calculate them based on the Start Time entered for Timeslot 1.

Period Length

Length of the period in minutes. The total number of minutes depends on whether your building considers passing time part of the period or separate from the period's time. Integer/2

Passing Time

Length of time between the end of the previous period and the start of the current period. This is the time available between the two periods for students to travel to their next class. Integer/2

If passing time is considered part of a period, leave this field blank.

Standard (or Alternate) Cycle Days Panel

If all of your cycle days are the same, the panel initially displays a section titled All Standard Cycle Days. To display the timetables for the individual cycle days in a week, click

 (Additional options), then select Set for individual Cycle Days. In this case each section will have its own title identifying the cycle day. This does not apply to the Alternate option, which automatically displays all alternate cycle days.



Cycle Day

Determines the cycle day being added or updated. Select a specific day, as defined in Registration's Cycle Days option, or select All to apply your timetable to all cycle days.


The number indicating the order of this scheduling time unit in the cycle day. The number of timeslots is determined by your Scheduling Building Configuration.

Start Time

The time this slot begins on the cycle day, for example, 08:00 AM as the entry for Timeslot 1.

If you are using the Auto-Update fields, enter the Start Time for Timeslot 1, then press <Tab> to populate the times for each period. In this case, you can adjust later times automatically by changing the time in a Start Time or End Time field and pressing <Tab>. All subsequent times will update accordingly.

End Time

The time this slot ends on the cycle day, for example, 11:10 AM.


Select the scheduling period that meets in this slot. If your district has a rolling timetable, the period for a slot may vary by cycle day.

Period Length

Length of the period based on the slot's start and end times. The period length is designated in hours and minutes. For example, if a period runs from 8:00 to 9:20, the length displays as 1:20. If the period runs until 8:40, the length displays as 40.

Passing Time

Length of time in minutes between the end of the previous period and the start of the current period. This is the time allowed between periods for students to travel to their next classes.

  • If your building takes attendance based on the timetable's start and end times, make sure these times are correctly defined to include or not include passing times.
  • If your district defines an attendance view to include passing time as time spent in class, the time between periods will be included in the total time for the day.
  • If you can only report up to a specified number of minutes as passing time, you can enter the maximum minutes allowed in the attendance view. Then, if the passing time between two periods exceeds the specified maximum, the maximum value will be used instead of the passing time from the timetable.
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