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Scheduling System Initial Procedures

The initial procedures identified below are usually performed by your system administrator or building personnel and include the following steps. For information on individual options, refer to the appropriate topics in eSchoolPlus online help.


  1. Make sure the appropriate options in the following packages have been set up:
    Registration - Rooms, Registration Cycle Days, Staff Information, and Marking Periods.
    Mark Reporting - If your building uses Mark Reporting, Mark Types must be set up before the Master Schedule is added. You will also need to set up Honor Roll, GPA, and Level tables.
  2. Set up the following Validation Tables:
    Registration - Departments and House/Teams.
    Mark Reporting - Graduation Requirements Areas.

Set up the Scheduling System:

  1. Set up the Intervals (Administration > Scheduling Setup > Setup > Scheduling Intervals).
  2. In the Scheduling Building Configuration page (Administration > Scheduling Setup > Setup > Scheduling Building Configuration), set up each building that uses the Scheduling System.
  3. Set up the Periods (Administration > Scheduling Setup > Setup > Scheduling Periods).
  4. Set up the Timetables (Administration > Scheduling Setup > Setup > Scheduling Timetables).
  5. Set up the District-Defined pages for courses (Administration > General Setup > District > District Defined). Course screens are defined with a screen type of C – Course.
  6. Set up the security resources for the Scheduling System, designating which users may access which options (Administration > Security > Users > Security Profile).
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