Use this page to add scheduling intervals. Scheduling intervals indicate how many times a year your building goes through the scheduling process. The interval determines the requests and marking periods that will be processed in scheduling students.
Intervals determine which courses and requests are processed by the scheduler programs. Each session of a course includes marking period weeks information. The interval associated with a course is determined by the marking period weeks records.
Examples: A two-semester school that schedules both semesters at once might have one interval for the school year. A two-semester school that schedules each semester separately might have two intervals, one for each semester.
If records display for a building other than the one you want, click Search, then run a search and select another building.
Add scheduling intervals
Select Administration > Scheduling Setup > Setup > Scheduling Intervals. If records display for a building other than the one you want, click Search, then run a search and select another building.
On the Scheduling Intervals panel, complete the fields on the blank row at the bottom.
Repeat Step 2 for each additional interval.
Click Save.
Change scheduling intervals
Select Administration > Scheduling Setup > Setup > Scheduling Intervals. If records display for a building other than the one you want, click Search, then run a search and select another building.
Change the values as needed.
Click Save.
Delete scheduling intervals
Select Administration > Scheduling Setup > Setup > Scheduling Intervals. If records display for a building other than the one you want, click Search, then run a search and select another building.
Select the Delete box for each interval you want to delete. To select all of the boxes, click (Delete) in the column header.
Click Save.
Scheduling Intervals Panel
Scheduling Interval
The code for the scheduling interval. Intervals determine which courses and requests can be processed in scheduling students. Character/1
The description of the interval. Character/255
To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save.
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