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Scheduling District Configuration Page

Use this page to activate the District Course Catalog and determine how the catalog is used. The catalog lets you define a central set of courses and associate them with appropriate building types. If desired, you can then create Building Course Catalogs for all your buildings with a utility that refers to the building type from each building's configuration, for example, High School or Middle School. For additional information, refer to Using the District Course Catalog.

The configuration also lets you set a default value for courses in district and building catalogs. In addition, it includes a setting to allow users to update building-level district-defined screens.

Change the Scheduling District Configuration

  1. Select Administration > Scheduling Setup > Setup > Scheduling District Configuration.
  2. Change the page's values as needed.
  3. Click Save.


District Course Catalog Panel



Use District Course Catalog

Checked if you use the District Course Catalog.

You must check this box to access the page's other fields. Once the box is checked and a District Course Catalog record is created, you can no longer access the field to uncheck it.

Allow Add of Building Level Courses

Checked if you can add Course Catalog records at the building level (Scheduling > Courses > Building Courses > Building Course Catalog).

If you use the District Course Catalog and this box is not checked, then you will only be able to add Building Course Catalog records by generating them from the district-wide catalog.

Allow Update of Building Level Course Catalog Section

Series of boxes indicating which Course Catalog field sections are available for updating at the building level (Scheduling > Courses > Building Courses > Building Course Catalog).

eSchoolPlus uses Course Catalog overrides as a way of allowing you to preserve updates to a course at the building-level while letting you synchronize the rest of the course data with the district course record.

    • For more information on using Building Course Catalog overrides, refer to Using the District Course Catalog.
    • For information on the Course Catalog field sections, refer to Building Course Catalog.
      Other boxes may display if your district has defined additional pages for catalog records. Checking the box for a page allows users to update the page at the building level.
    • If overrides exist for a field section or district-defined page, the corresponding box in the Scheduling District Setup becomes display only.




Checked if you allow Building Course Catalog updates in the General section. eSchoolPlus sets an override for the General Course Information panel to preserve the building-level update, while allowing the remaining course data to synchronize with the corresponding district course record.

If the box is unchecked and you use the District Course Catalog feature, the General section fields in the Building Course Catalog will be display only.

Scheduler Options

Checked if you allow Building Course Catalog updates in the Scheduler Options panel. eSchoolPlus sets an override for the Scheduler Options section to preserve the building-level update, while allowing the remaining course data to synchronize with the corresponding district course record.

If the box is unchecked and you use the District Course Catalog feature, the Scheduler Options section fields in the Building Course Catalog will be display only.

Teacher Qualifications

Checked if you allow Building Course Catalog updates in the Qualifications panel. eSchoolPlus sets an override for the Qualifications field to preserve the building-level update, while allowing the remaining course data to synchronize with the corresponding district course record.

If the box is unchecked and you use the District Course Catalog feature, the Qualifications field in the Building Course Catalog will be display only.

Mark Reporting

Checked if you allow Building Course Catalog updates in the Mark Reporting Information panel. eSchoolPlus sets an override for the panel to preserve the building-level update, while allowing the remaining course data to synchronize with the corresponding district course record.

If the box is unchecked and you use the District Course Catalog feature, the Mark Reporting panel's fields in the Building Course Catalog will be display only.

State Courses

Checked if you allow Building Course Catalog updates in the State Courses section. eSchoolPlus sets an override for the State Courses section to preserve the building-level update, while allowing the remaining course data to synchronize with the corresponding district course record.

If the box is unchecked and you use the District Course Catalog, the State Courses section fields in the Building Course Catalog will be display only.

State Courses, unlike other course catalog fields, only applies to the school year set in the eSchoolPlus environment. For example, if you set your environment to the next school year, you can enter state courses for the upcoming year without affecting your current state course settings.

Allow Update of Building Level District Defined Screens Section

If any pages have been defined by your district for use with district and building-level courses, additional boxes display in this section. The titles of the boxes identify the specific district-defined pages.

Checking the box for a district-defined page allows updating the page at the building level.

If unchecked, the district-defined page at the building level will be display only.

Student Scheduler Options Panel



Default Classified Students Maximum

Default value for the maximum weight of classified students that can be scheduled for a course-section, expressed as either a percentage or number. When a new course is added to the District Course Catalog or Building Course Catalog, this value defaults to the course's Classified Students Maximum field. However, users can change the value in the course catalog if needed. Decimal/5,2

Enter a value in the numeric field, then select:

Number - to set the default scheduling weight as a decimal number, for example, 8.00 (scheduling weight total).
Percent - to set the default scheduling weight as a percentage, for example, 8.00 percent of a class.
Classifications weights, which are used in balancing a course-section's students, are assigned to student classifications in Registration's Classifications validation table, for example, 1.0 for 504 Plan students and 2.0 for Special Education students. In scheduling a course-section, the system compares the total weight against the maximum in the course catalog record. Once the maximum is reached, no additional classified students can be scheduled.
If multiple classifications are allowed, only the first classification row is considered when determining a student's classification weight.

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