Use this page to mass update course data in selected students' schedules. After the mass update is complete, seat counts for the courses will be recalculated.
Once you complete a mass update, there is no way to undo your changes unless you back up database tables.
Back up your database tables before running a mass update. You can restore data from the backup if you are not satisfied with the mass update results.
Mass update courses in students' schedules
Back up your database.
Select Scheduling > Utilities > Student Mass Updates > Schedules Mass Update.
On the Prompts panel:
In the Area and Field Name fields, identify the field you want to update in the scheduled courses.
In the New Value field, enter the value to use to replace existing values in the scheduled courses.
To identify an additional field and the new value to assign, click the Add button, then repeat Step 3.
On the Filter panel, enter criteria to search for the records to update, then click Load to run the search.
Review the courses on the Records To Be Updated panel.
If a record should not be included in the update, select its (Delete) checkbox, then click (Delete) on the panel's title bar.
On the Run panel, select Now to run the mass update immediately or Once to schedule the process for a specified Time and Date.
Click Run.
After the process runs, use the Tasks/Reports options on the Navigation Bar to retrieve the mass update log.
Prompts Panel
This panel enables you to identify one or more fields for mass updating.
Use the following Actions buttons as needed:
Adds a blank row above the current row.
Deletes the current row.
Identifies the table containing the field you want to update.
Student Course Date Ranges Student Schedules
Field Name
Select the field you want to update.
New Value
Enter the value you want to use to replace the existing value in the selected field for the records found in your search.
For example, you could change the status of a schedule's course from Active to Dropped by entering the following values on the Prompts panel:
Student Schedules
Field Name:
Course Status
New Value:
D - Dropped
Use the Filter panel to search for the dropped courses. Before running the mass update, verify that the courses on the Records To Be Updated panel are the courses you want to change.
Filter Panel
Use the Filter panel to select the courses to update. After you enter your criteria, click Load to run the search and display the results on the Records To Be Updated panel.
Records To Be Updated Panel
After using the Filter panel to enter criteria, click Load to run the search and display the results on this panel.
Checkbox for deleting records.
To delete a record, select its (Delete)checkbox, then click (Delete) on the right side of the panel's title bar to remove the record.
Student ID
Identifies the student scheduled for the course by district ID.
Student Name
Identifies the student scheduled for the course by Last Name, First Name.
Identifies the student's building.
Identifies the student's grade level.
Course Building
Identifies the building where the course is scheduled.
Code identifying the course in the course catalog.
Description of the course.
Course Status
Identifies the status of the course:
A - Active D - Dropped L - Locked P - Preserved
Date Added
Date the course was added to the student's schedule.
Date Dropped
Date the course was dropped from the student's schedule.
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