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Scheduled Tasks Page

Use this page to view scheduled tasks for eSchoolPlus. This page allows you to enter search criteria to find scheduled task information for a specific task or by a specific user.

For a task, you can review the schedule, progress, environment settings, and selected prompts. In addition, if an error occurs that causes the task to fail, the error will be listed. To view a tasks detail, click its

 (Expand) icon.

Administration > General Setup > System > Scheduled Tasks


Search Criteria Panel




Enter text to find scheduled tasks based on the task's description.

Login ID

Enter the login ID or part of the login ID to find the user's scheduled tasks.

App Server

Enter the server to find tasks scheduled to run on it.


Select the status to find tasks with that status.

Results Panel

The Results panel displays the scheduled task information including the name of the task, the user who scheduled it, the app server, and its status.

To view additional details, click


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