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Report Card By Competency Group Page

On this page:

Use this page to enter marks and comments for student competencies.

Enter report card information for a competency group

  1. Select Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Office > Report Card by Competency Group.
  2. In the Selections panel, select the competency group, teacher, and report card run.
  3. Click Load to display the students.
  4. To filter the students listed by homeroom or grade, click the Students panel's 
     (Additional options), and then select Change Display Options. On the drop-down that slides down, enter the filter, and then click OK.
  5. In the Students panel, click 
     (Expand) to display the student's competency marks and comments fields.
  6. Enter the marks and comments for student as needed.
  7. To enter marks and comments for another student, repeat Steps 5-6.
  8. To enter free text notes for students, click the Students panel's 
     (Additional options), and then select Change Display Options. On the drop-down that slides down, select the Free Text Comments checkbox, and then click OK. Enter comment text as needed for students.
  9. Click Save.
  10. To enter data for another competency group, click 
     (Cancel), and then repeat Steps 2-9.

Run Build Student Competencies for competency group

  1. Select Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Office > Report Card by Competency Group.
  2. In the Selections panel, select the competency group, teacher, and report card run.
  3. Click Load to display the students.
  4. On the Students panel, click 
     (Additional options), and then select Build Student Competencies.


Selections Panel
Use the fields in this panel to select the competency group, teacher, and report card run.




Select the building for the students.

RC Run

Select the report card run for report card entry.

If the building has multiple marking periods associated with a report card run, select the appropriate marking period. The marking period is listed in parenthesis following the report card run number. For example, to enter marks for W2 (Wheel duration 2) which is in run 1, select 1 (MP: W2).

Competency Group

Select the competency group.


Select the teacher for the students.

Students Panel

Use this panel to enter marks and comments for students.

To Display:


Competency marks and comments


(Expand) for a student.

Free Text Comments field

Click the Students panel's

(Additional options), and then select Change Display Options. On the drop-down that slides down, select the Free Text Comments checkbox, and then click OK.

This option displays if the building has selected to use free text comments for report cards.

You can also filter the list of students by homeroom or grade. Click the Students panel's

 (Additional options), and then select Change Display Options. On the drop-down that slides down, use the Filters fields to select the students to show, and then click OK.

This panel initially allows you to scroll records within a grid.

  • To change the display so that records scroll on the page, click
     (Additional options), then select Scroll on Page.
  • To return to the grid, click
     (Additional options), then select Scroll in Grid.



Student ID

Student's ID number.

Student Name

Student's name.


Student's primary homeroom.

Free Text Comments

Enter comments related to the student's performance.

To display this field, click

(Additional options), and then select Change Display Options. On the drop-down that slides down, select the Free Text Comments checkbox, and then click OK.

Your building's Mark Reporting Configuration determines the maximum number of characters that can be used in a comment.

Expanded Competencies Detail Section

Use the fields in this section to enter marks and comments for competencies. To display the mark and comment fields for a student, click the student's 

 (Expand) icon.




Name of the competency being assessed.


Columns display for the mark types for which the student can earn grades in the selected marking period.

The grading scale that is available for a competency is selected in the Competency Setup option.

Ovr (Override)

If checked, the override prevents teachers from loading the mark from Gradebook in Teacher Access Center.


Comment the student received for this comment type for the marking period.

The comment codes which are available for a comment type are based on your building's setup.

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