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Registration Rollover Error Messages

The table below lists error rollover messages and the reason the message was displayed.

Error Message


(fieldname) does not allow null values. Field is set to update, but no update value was entered.

Field is set to update, but no update value was entered.

(fieldname) is greater than maximum value ().

Update value entered in the Registration Rollover Criteria for this field is greater than the highest acceptable value.

(fieldname) is less than minimum value ().

Update value entered in the Registration Rollover Criteria for this field is less than the lowest acceptable value.

(fieldname) must be a date.

Update value entered in the Registration Rollover Criteria for this field must be a valid date.

(fieldname) must be numeric.

Field is set to update and is defined as a small integer or integer, but either the value is null (or a character), or no update value was entered.

(fieldname) has a defined size of (fieldsize).

Value in the field must be within the defined field size.

Criterion no longer exists. Criterion: (criterion number).

The criterion was deleted while the rollover was running, or a wrong criterion was passed in due to a programming error.

Student ID: (studentID) Building: (Building) Calendar: (Calendar) Rule set to use membership day as entry date for rollover but calendar has no membership days. First day for calendar will be used.

The District Definition (Administration > General Setup > District > District) page's Rollover Entry Date Rule field is set to use the first membership day of the calendar, but the student is assigned to a calendar that has no membership days. The first day of the calendar was used. If the calendar should have membership days, then check the calendar information and determine if it needs to be corrected.

Student ID (studentID): Cannot determine first calendar membership day. Calendar: (Calendar) Track: (Track) School Year: (SchoolYear) Summer School: (SummerSchool) Building: (Building)

Check that the specified calendar has been defined in the Next Year environment. If you no longer use that calendar code, then a separate criteria should be set up to move students who had that calendar code on the Registration page to a valid calendar for next year.

Student ID (studentID): Cannot determine last calendar membership day. Calendar: (calendar)

The student's calendar has been deleted, or a student has a calendar code that was converted but is not available in the system. Define the calendar or update the student's entry/withdrawal record.

Student ID (studentID): Cannot locate student's next year record ().

No next year information exists for student. Add information on the Next Year panel of the student's Registration page (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration).

Student ID (studentID): Next grade is null for grade ().

The REG_GRADE.NEXT_GRADE field contains a null value. Add information on the Next Year panel of the student's Registration page (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration).

Student ID (studentID): Reg Entry record not found for student.

The student's current-year withdrawal record was deleted. Add the entry/withdrawal record for the current year.

Student ID (studentID): Registration Configuration(reg_cfg) record could not be located. District: (district) Building:(building) School Year: (school_year)

The Registration Building Configuration is not complete. Set the environment for the next school year, and then update the Registration Building Configuration page (Administration > Registration Setup > Setup > Registration Building Configuration).

Student ID (studentID): Special Value (@NEXT) used with invalid table/field(reg/(fieldname)).

Criteria includes a field with Next checked, but the field does not have a related Next value. (This would only occur if data was entered outside the system).

Student ID (studentID): Cannot update entry/withdrawal for pre-registered student updated to status I.

Criteria is defined to make students inactive, but the student was pre-registered in the current school year. The rollover updated the student's status to I, but did not update the student's entry/withdrawal record for the current year. The student will have an open entry/withdrawal for the current year. This may cause errors in other applications. Review the student's data and confirm that the student should be inactive. If the student was processed by the wrong criteria, verify that your criteria to make pre-registered students active is defined to be processed before the criteria that made the student inactive.

The new entry/withdrawal vector already exists. The student's entry/withdrawal information was not processed.

Student: (studentID)

Type: (Current Year or Summer School)

School Year: (school year)

Entry Date: (entry date)

The student's entry/withdrawal record for next year is already available. (This may occur if the student was accidentally pre-registered in the Next school year). Revise the student's record.

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