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Recalculate Seats Page

Use this page to determine the number of students in course-sections. You can run the Recalculate Seats option for courses, study halls, or both.

In addition, the option recalculates the classification weights of scheduled students for each course-section. This calculation only applies to courses.

Run Recalculate Seats

  1. Select Scheduling > Student Schedules > Student Scheduler > Recalculate Seats.
  2. Specify the processing options.
  3. Click Run.


Prompts Panel




Building for which you want to recalculate seats.

Recalculate Seats

Indicates how you want to recalculate seats.


Recalculate All Seats - to recalculate seats for all course-sections in the Master Schedule, including study halls.
Recalculate Course Seats Only - to recalculate seats for course-sections in the Master Schedule that do not have a check in the Study Hall box.
Recalculate Study Seats Only - to recalculate seats for course-sections in the Master Schedule that have a check in the Study Hall box.

Log Statistics

Checked if you want to print the statistics for the option in the report file.

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