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Progress Report Cycle Procedures

This topic provides an overview of the process for generating progress reports.

  1. If the building has set dates on which progress reports are generated, define the dates on which reports will be created using the Progress Runs option (Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Setup > Progress Runs).
  2. If teachers can view absence totals for a class when entering grades, run the Transfer Class Attendance to PR option (Mark Reporting > Utilities > Calculations > Transfer Class Attendance to PR).
    If teachers should view class attendance totals during grade entry, attendance information must be transferred to the progress records before teachers begin to enter grades. The Transfer Class Attendance to PR option transfers the absence totals from the beginning of the marking period to the progress report date for the absence codes specified for an absence type to progress records.
    If you transfer attendance to progress records, progress records are created for all students who have an absence total. Progress reports will be generated for all students who have an absence total regardless of whether there are marks or comments entered for the students.
  3. Enter grades, comments, or attendance information. There are three options to enter progress information:
    • Teacher Access Center - Teachers can enter grades for students on a page that lists all students in the course for the marking period. If teachers are using Gradebook, they can load grade information for progress reporting. Administrators can run the Gradebook Averages Calculation option to load marks from Gradebook for teachers.
    • Progress Report by Course - Users can enter grades for the selected progress date or for an individual progress report on a page that lists all students in a course. (Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Office > Progress Report by Course)
    • Progress Report Summary - Users can view grade and comment information for an progress date for a course for a student. (Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Student > Progress Report Summary)
      If teachers create individual progress reports as needed, your building may want to develop a policy to determine the date that should be used. When you print progress reports, you must select the progress date for which you are printing progress information. If teachers are not using consistent dates for a reporting period, you will have difficulty finding and printing records.
  4. Run selected Mark Reporting reports to analyze progress data.
    • Missing Submission - Lists the teachers who have not submitted grades using Teacher Access Center. If any information has been entered for the class, the submission is not considered missing even if the teacher only submitted part of the data. (Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Progress Reports > Missing Submission)
    • Verification Sheets - Provides grade entry verification information for teachers. (Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Progress Reports > Verification Sheets)
    • Mark Summary - Lists students who have received specific marks or blank marks. You may use this option to print a list of students who are in danger of failing a course. (Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Progress Reports > Mark Summary)
    • Comment Usage - Displays comment usage totals by number or percentage to help you determine which comments are used most frequently. (Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Progress Reports > Comment Usage)
  5. If necessary, update the Progress View Setup for the building. (Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > View Setup > Progress View Setup)
    • If you print daily attendance totals on the progress reports, you must update the Progress View Setup for the building each marking period. On the Attendance panel, set the Current Interval field to the appropriate value for all attendance totals that you selected to print.
    • You may also need to update free text for the header or footer if you print date-sensitive information in free text.
  6. If you print attendance information on the progress reports, run the following calculations as applicable to your building.
    • Before you transfer attendance, verify that attendance information is correct by running the attendance error scan (Attendance > All > Utilities > Attendance Error Scan)and making any necessary corrections.
    • To print class absence for a course based on information entered in Attendance, run the Transfer Class Attendance to PR option (Mark Reporting > Utilities > Calculations > Transfer Class Attendance to PR).
    • To print attendance totals based on attendance views, run the Day Totals Calculation (Attendance > All > Utilities > Day Totals Calculation) option and the Interval Totals Calculation (Attendance > All > Utilities > Interval Totals Calculation)option.
  7. Run Print Progress Reports (Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Progress Reports > Print Progress Reports) and select to generate the data warehouse.
    • You must select to generate the data warehouse the first time you print progress reports using the Print Progress Reports.
    • Also, if you have changed progress report information and you want the information to be reflected on the progress reports for the progress date, you must generate the data warehouse before printing progress reports.
  8. If you calculate student activity eligibility based on progress reporting information, run the eligibility Progress Calculation option (Registration > Entry & Reports > Eligibility Calculations > Report Cards Calculation) for the appropriate progress report date.
  9. If you calculate students as at risk based on progress reporting information, run the at risk Progress Calculation option (Interventions > All > At Risk > Report Cards Calculation) for the appropriate progress report date.
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