Use the Printable Student Schedule option on the Schedule Entry Grid page to generate a copy of the student's schedule. The option produces a pdf file that you can print or save on your computer.
Several versions of the schedule can be producedusing the Report Mode and Schedule Version fields in the Printable Student Schedule window. For example, you could print a half page version for office use or a full page version for mailing to a student or guardian.
The Printable Student Schedule option is available by clicking the (Additional options) icon at the upper right of the Schedule Entry page.
To print schedules for multiple students, use the Student Schedules option (Scheduling > Student Schedules > Post-Scheduler Reports > Student Schedules). For more information, refer to Student Schedules Page.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
To display the Schedule Entry page in Grid mode, click Grid at the upper left.
At the upper right of the Schedule Entry Grid page, click (Additional options), and then select Printable Student Schedule.
In the Printable Student Schedule window, enter your settings for generating the report. For field descriptions, refer below.
Click Run to generate the report in pdf format and display it in a new tab on your browser. The report also can be accessed using the Tasks/Reports button on the Navigation bar.
Use the pdf's Print option to send the report to a printer, or click Save to save it on your computer.
Report Mode
Indicates how to format the report.
Full Page - to print one student schedule per page. This option can be used for distributing schedules to students. Half Page - to print two schedules per page, if possible, for office or teacher use. Mailer - to print a schedule matrix on 8-1/2" x 14" paper for mailing to students or guardians. The address prints to fit a #10 window envelope. Office - to print a schedule matrix with one student per page for office or teacher use. You can generate the matrix versions of the report if your building uses up to but not more than 10 cycle days.
Schedule Version
Indicates the type of information to include on the schedule and the number of schedules to print.
Office - to add the student's house/team and phone number fields to the header section and the course's house/team, course status (A for Active or L for Locked), and resolved conflict indicator to the report's course section. The office version also uses text formatting to indicate whether a course is a resolved conflict, is locked, is a blockette, is an MBS Course, or is defined as a study hall. Student - to print a copy for each student or guardian who has the Scheduling print flag checked. This field is inaccessible if you selected Office or Mailer for the Report Mode field.
Print as of date
Determines the students and courses to include in the report. Student courses with a Date Added after this date or Date Dropped before this date will not be included.
If you are running the report before school has started, use the first day of school.
Today - to use today as the last date to check. This option is useful if you schedule the report to run periodically. By Date - to use a set date as the end date of your report.
Start Date
Used to include only students whose schedules have been changed on or after this date. Refers to the change date, rather than an add or drop date. For example, to print only students whose schedules were changed today, use today's date as the Start Date.
Leave both this date and the End Date blank to include all schedules, based on the Print as of Date.
By Date - to use a set date as the start date of your report. By Prior Days - to run the report for a set number of days. Enter the total days to include in the report. Prior days count backward from the end date. This option is useful if you schedule the report to run periodically. This field is inaccessible if you selected Office or Mailer for the Report Mode field.
End Date
Used to include only students whose schedules have been changed before or on this date. Refers to the change date, rather than an add or drop date.
Leave both this date and the Start Date blank to include all schedules.
Today - to use today as the last date to check. This option is useful if you schedule the report to run periodically. By Date - to use a set date as the end date of your report. This field is inaccessible if you selected Office or Mailer for the Report Mode field.
Marking Periods
Select the marking periods for listing student scheduling information.
Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click (asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.
Starting Timeslot
Select the first timeslot in the range of timeslots that you want to include in the report. Your range of timeslots cannot exceed 10 timeslots.
This field is inaccessible if you selected Full Page or Half Page for the Report Mode field.
Ending Timeslot
Select the last timeslot in the range of timeslots that you want to include in the report. Your range of timeslots cannot exceed 10 timeslots.
This field is inaccessible if you selected Full Page or Half Page for the Report Mode field.
Indicates the address to print on the schedule.
Guardians - to print the guardian's name and address on the schedule. None - to not include an address. Student - to print the student's address on the schedule. The report will display, "To the Parents or Guardian Of:" above the student's address. This field is inaccessible if you selected Office for the Report Mode field.
Print Phone Number
If you selected to print the office version of the report, this field indicates whether the student's home phone number is shown at the top of the schedule.
Always - to print the home phone number for a student regardless of the number's listing status. If the user running the report does not have security to view or print unlisted phone numbers, an unlisted phone number will not print on the report even if the user selects Always. Listed Only - to print only phone numbers with a listing status of Listed. If a student home phone number has a status of Unlisted, the phone number is not printed. Never - to never print students' phone numbers. This field is inaccessible if you selected Office or Mailer for the Report Mode field.
eSchoolPlus tracks whether guardians have given permission to list a student's phone number, as required under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). To print the phone number on the report, you must select the Include FERPA Information checkbox when running the report. Also, the Student's Phone checkbox must be selected in the FERPA Flags section of the student's Personal page, and a home phone number must be stored on the student's Street Addresses page.
Print Locker Number
Checked if the student's locker number should print on the schedule.
Print Locker Combination
Checked if the student's locker combination should print on the schedule.
This field is inaccessible if you selected Full Page or Half Page for the Report Mode field.
Print Room Number
Checked if you want to print the room number for the course.
You can only change this setting if you selected Office or Mailer for the Report Mode field.
This field is inaccessible if you selected Full Page or Half Page for the Report Mode field.
Print Teacher Name
Checked if you want to print the name of the course's primary teacher.
This field is inaccessible if you selected Full Page or Half Page for the Report Mode field.
Print Secondary Teacher Name
Checked if you want to print the name of the course's secondary teachers below the primary teacher's name. If the course has secondary teachers, a separate row is printed for each teacher's name.
This field is only accessible if you selected the Print Teacher Name checkbox.
Max Secondary Staff to Print
Enter the maximum number of secondary teachers to print on the schedule, up to 10. The report will include a separate row for each secondary teacher. Teachers will be listed in alphabetical order by name.
Use this field to limit the number of rows that may be printed for a course. If a course has more secondary teachers than the specified maximum, the report will print teachers in alphabetical order until the maximum is reached.
This field is only accessible if you selected the Print Secondary Teacher Name checkbox.
Print Course Fees
Checked if the student's fees for courses should be printed at the bottom of the schedule.
This field is inaccessible if you selected Half Page or Mailer for the Report Mode field.
Include FERPA Information
Checked if you wan to override the FERPA Privacy Flag so you can print phone numbers for all students.
If checked, the following text prints on the report: "This report is for internal use only. Do not distribute outside of the district."
If you selected Never in the Print Phone Number field, phone numbers will not be printed on the report even if the Include FERPA Information checkbox is selected.
Enter text that to print at the bottom of the Office or Mailer reports. 255 characters
This field is inaccessible if you selected Full Page or Half Page for the Report Mode field.
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