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Missing Submissions Overview

What does the Missing Submissions report do?

When you run the Missing Submissions utility, the program checks the data currently entered to determine which teachers have not submitted any data.

Two types of reports are created if teachers have not submitted data.

    • A report listing all teachers with missing submissions is emailed to administrators.
    • In addition, teachers can be notified that they have not entered any data for the selected date. If all teachers have submitted data, no emails or notifications are sent.

How does the system determine that a submission is missing?

When a teacher saves data on TAC's attendance, report cards, interim progress reports, or student competency pages, a record is created that indicates an action has been taken. For example, if the teacher clicks the All Present button on the Home page, an ATT_TWS_TAKEN record is created for the teacher and attendance period.

The chart that follows lists the tables that the report uses to determine that a teacher has submitted data.


Submission Table



Report Cards


Progress Reports


Student Competencies


The report does not check individual student records to confirm that data has been submitted. Therefore, this report does not validate that data has been entered for the entire class and it does not check whether specific marks are missing for Mark Reporting or Progress Reports.

Who receives the Missing Submissions email report and notifications

Users will receive an email with a PDF of the Missing Submission Report as an attachment if their email addresses are listed in the Email Missing Submissions Report To field in the Teacher Access panel of the Attendance or Mark Reporting configuration.

Administrators can choose whether or not to send notifications to teachers when the Missing Submissions utility is run (automatically or manually).

    • If missing submissions notifications are designated as mandatory at the building level, teachers will always receive notifications when they have not submitted the appropriate information.
    • If missing submissions notifications are designated as optional at the building level, teachers must subscribe to missing submissions notifications on the Notification Subscription page in order to receive these notifications.

Substitutes do not receive missing submissions notifications.

What does the Missing Submissions email report include?

When the Missing Submissions utility is run, a notification can be sent to teachers who have not submitted attendance or grading information, and an email can be sent to administrators and/or office employees.

The Missing Submissions reports which are sent to teachers and office staff include different information.

    • The notification sent to teachers indicates which information needs to be submitted.
    • The email sent to administrators and/or office employees indicates which teachers need to submit information, which information needs to be submitted by the teacher, and whether or not the teacher was notified.
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