Use this page to mass update values for student registration fields based on a student's performance on a standardized test. This tool helps you identify students who passed a test or performed below standards so you can set a value in a field which you can then use for state reporting or as a filter for reports or calculations.
If the field is program tracked, you can select to replace the value in the current record or to close the current record and create a new one.
Mass update student information based on test score
Back up your database.
Select Registration > Utilities > Tools > Mass Update by Test Score.
In the Test Score Information panel, enter the test score criteria to use to select students.
In the Prompts panel, enter the information to be mass updated.
You can update multiple items by adding rows. Click Add in the Actions column to add a new row.
To delete a row, click (Delete) in the row's Actions column.
Select the students for the update using the Filter panel. Enter the desired search criteria and click Load.
To remove students from the Records To Be Updated panel, select their checkboxes in the (Delete) column and then click (Delete) at the top right of the Records To Be Updated panel.
To select to delete all students from this panel, click (Delete) in the grid's column header. Click again to deselect all.
In the Run panel, select when to run the report.
Click Run at the top right of the page.
After the process runs, use the Tasks/Reports options on the Navigation Bar to retrieve the mass update log.
Mass update student information for a program-tracked field based on a test score
Back up your database.
Select Registration > Utilities > Tools > Mass Update by Test Score.
In the Test Score Information panel, enter the test score criteria to use to select students.
In the Prompts panel, enter student information you want to update for a program-tracked field. After you select a program-tracked field, the Program Tracking Information field displays Edit and red (Flag) icons.
You can update multiple items by adding rows. Click Add in the Actions column to add a new row.
To delete a row, click (Delete) in the row's Actions column.
Select the students for the update using the Filter panel. Enter the desired search criteria, and click Load.
To remove students from Records To Be Updated panel, select their checkboxes in the (Delete) column and then click (Delete) at the top right of the Records To Be Updated panel.
To select to delete all students from this panel, click (Delete) in the grid's column header. Click again to deselect all.
Click Edit to display the program's Program Tracking Settings dialog.
Enter appropriate information in the Program Tracking Settings dialog.
Action - Select how you want to update existing vectors. You can close open records and add new records with the new value or replace the value in existing records.
End Date - Enter the end date to use if you are closing program records.
Withdrawal Reason - Select the reason to use when closing a program. This field only displays if the program is defined to use entry and withdrawal reasons.
Start Date - Select whether the new program record should be created with the student's most recent entry date from Entry/Withdrawal or a specific start date for all students.
Entry Reason - Select the reason to use when opening a program. This field only displays if the program is defined to use entry and withdrawal reasons.
Override - Check the Override box if you want to set the Override box for the program records you are updating. This field only displays if the program is defined to allow overrides.
Click OK. The Program Tracking Settings dialog closes.
In the Program Tracking Information column, the red icon changes to green.
To display a tooltip with the information entered in the Program Tracking Settings dialog, move the pointer over the green (Flag) icon.
Repeat steps 7-9 for each mass update row that is program-tracked.
In the Run panel, select when to run the report.
Click Run at the top right of the page.
After the process runs, use the Tasks/Reports options on the Navigation Bar to retrieve the mass update log.
Test Score Information Panel
Specify the test score information to use to select students.
To search for the test, enter values in the Test, Level, or Form fields and, then click Search next to the Form field.
Code for the test.
Level that was used for the test. For example, H may be used to designate a test directed to the honor student level.
Form that was used for the test. Identifies the version of the test being used for standardized tests which have more than one equivalent version or form. For example, a 2 could be used to indicate this is the second form of a test.
Description of the test.
Select the subtest that contains the score field.
Select the score field to use to select students.
Score Value (Condition)
The condition defining how the system should search for records in regards to the value you specify.
Field Value
equals the criteria
is greater than the criteria
is greater than or equal to the criteria
is less than the criteria
is less than or equal to the criteria
Score Value (Value)
Enter the value to use to select students.
Data to Update
Select to update base Registration tables, a district-defined page that allows one record per student, or a district-defined page that allows multiple records per student. After you select the type of table to update, select the field to update in the Prompts panel.
Base Tables - to update fields in the Academic, Contacts, Demographic, Emergency, and Personal tables. List Type District Defined - to update fields in a district-defined page that allows multiple records per student. When you select this option, the Prompts panel includes an option to define criteria to select the record to update. Regular District Defined - to update fields in a district-defined page that allows one record per student.
Prompts Panel
The fields in this section enable you to identify one or more fields for mass updating.
Add - to add a new row. (Delete) - to delete the row.
Select the Area.
Field Name
Select the field name.
Program Tracking Information
This field only displays information when the selected field is program-tracked. Initially, Edit and (Flag) icons display. Click Edit to open the program's Program Tracking Settings dialog to enter program information. After program information is entered the flag turns green, and you can move the pointer over the green flag to display a tooltip with the program update information.
For information on the fields on the Program Tracking Settings dialog, refer to the "Mass update student information for a program-tracked field based on a test score" procedure above.
New Value
Enter the new value to be mass updated to this field.
Additional Filter for this table (dependent on area being updated) Section
This section displays if you selected to update a list type district-defined page. Use these fields to select the record to update for a student.
The system compares your criteria against the corresponding fields in the records being searched and selects only those records containing data that matches. Your filter will be saved as the default filter for the next time you run the report or option.
Records To Be Updated panel
The list of students retrieved by your filter. The utility will only update data for students in this list who meet the test score criteria specified in the Test Score Information panel. You can review this list and remove students from it before processing it if needed.
After using the Filter panel to enter criteria, click Load at the top right of the page to run the search and display the results on this panel.
To remove students from the list, check the Remove box for the appropriate students, then click Remove.
This section displays only 5000 records at a time for updating.
Select a row's checkbox to exclude that student's record from this update. To delete selected students, click (Delete) at the top right of the Records To Be Updated panel.
To alternately select or deselect all students, click (Delete) in the column header.
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