Use this page to add duration units for dividing up the school year and to define how your marking periods are set up, including the number of weeks in each marking period and the start and end dates. For durations, such as a marking period, you define the number of weeks in the duration and the number of these units in a school year. Durations determine the length of courses in scheduling and can be used for attendance totals. The system generates records based on the durations defined; you can then update information as needed. Marking Period information affects scheduling, attendance and whether teachers can enter term-based marks for students.
If you accessed this page from the Building Checklist page, click (Go to next page) at the top right of the page to save any changes and go to the next page in the checklist.
Add Durations and Marking Periods
Durations, marking period weeks, and the dates associated with those weeks are added in one process.
If the desired building does not display on the Search Results panel, enter the appropriate values in the Search Criteria panel, and click Load at the top right of the page.
Click the building's link on the Search Results panel.
In the Durations panel, enter the duration information in a new row the bottom of the panel.
If no durations have been defined, only a blank row displays in this panel.
A new row is automatically created as entries are made in an existing open row.
Select (Additional options) at the top right of the panel and click Create Marking Periods.
The Weeks and Marking Period Dates panels display with rows populated based on the Durations panel's rows.
If no calendars are defined tor the building/year/summer school, the Marking Period Dates panel displays an error indicating that calenders must be configured before date information can be created.
Click Save.
Delete a Duration record
Duration records that have not been used can be deleted from the Durations panel.
If the desired building does not display on the Search Results panel, enter the appropriate values in the Search Criteria panel, and click Load at the top right of the page.
Click the building's link on the Search Results panel.
In the Durations panel, select the (Delete) box for each record to delete.
Click Save.
Change the display order in the Weeks panel
Rows in the Weeks panel can be ordered either by the Duration Type or Marking Periods Order columns.
If the desired building does not display on the Search Results panel, enter the appropriate values in the Search Criteria panel, and click Load at the top right of the page.
Click the desired building's link on the Search Results panel.
In the Weeks panel, sort by either the Duration Type or Marking Period Order column.
Click the desired header to sort the rows by that column.
Click the header again to reverse the sort order.
To create marking periods, enter values in the rows of this panel, click (Additional options) at the top right of the panel, and select Create Marking Periods. For more information on durations, refer to About Durations.
Duration Code
The Duration code. Character/1
The duration's description. Character/255
Number of Weeks
Number of weeks in the duration.
Number in Year
Number of this duration in each school year. This value determines the number of rows that will be generated from this row in the Weeks panel.
The Weeks section includes the start and end weeks, scheduling interval, the term, and report card run to be associated with each specific marking period or other type of duration. If you have multiple durations, for example marking periods and wheels, the Student Scheduler uses this week information to determine whether courses conflict for a student. For more information on how weeks relate to durations, refer to About Durations.
Marking Period
A code identifying a set of weeks; for example, M1 could represent marking period 1. This code displays in various scheduling reports, student schedule screens, and the master schedule.
The description for the specified marking period weeks unit.
Duration Type
System-generated. The duration type associated with this marking period weeks record. The system generates marking period week records for each duration based on how many of the duration unit meet in a year.
Example: In the duration record, a duration of M (marking period) has the Number in Year field set to 4. The system generates four marking period weeks records, M1, M2, M3, and M4.
To sort by the duration type, click the Duration Type header. Click again to reverse the order.
Marking Period Order
The order that marking periods and other durations display in reports and in the master schedule. To sort by the marking period order, click the Marking Period Order header. Click again to reverse the order.
Start Week
The first week in the school year when this marking period weeks unit meets. Start Week and End Weeks default based on the Number of Weeks set for this duration type.
End Week
The last week in the school year when this marking period weeks unit meets. Start Week and End Weeks default based on the Number of Weeks set for this duration type.
Scheduling Interval
This field displays only for schools using Scheduling.
The scheduling interval associated with this marking period week unit. Students can only be scheduled into courses that meet in the scheduling interval that is being processed.
Example: A district has two scheduling intervals R (for regular) and S (for summer school). When scheduling is run for the R interval, only courses with marking period weeks associated with the R scheduling interval are processed.
The semester or trimester for the marking period weeks unit.
If your building has multiple marking period records with the same report card run number, make sure that the Term value is set to the same value on all rows for the report card run. It is invalid for a report card run to be assigned to more than one term. This field only displays if a building-level Mark Reporting Configuration record exists.
Report Card Run
The report card run for the marking period weeks unit. In Mark Reporting, each run is set up to allow only specific types of grades, such as marking period, exam, semester, or final. This field only displays if a building-level Mark Reporting Configuration record exists.
State Code Equivalent
The State Code Equivalent.
Marking Period Dates
The Dates section includes the start and end dates for each marking period or other type of duration in a building. The system generates the start and end dates based on the start date of the applicable track and the number of weeks set for each duration type.
Marking Period
System generated, based on the durations defined for the building.
Start Date
The first date in the marking period or other type of duration. The date must be within the range of dates for the track.
End Date
The last day in the selected marking period or other type of duration. The date must be within the date range for the track.
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