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Mark Reporting Initial Setup

Setting Up Mark Reporting

  1. Set up the security resources (Administration > Security > Users > Security Profile) for the Mark Reporting System, designating which users may access which options.
  2. Set up the Validation Tables (Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables) for the Mark Reporting System.
  3. For each building using the Mark Reporting System, set up the building using the Mark Reporting Configuration page (Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Setup > MR Building Configuration).
  4. Verify that the marking periods are set to the correct report card runs and terms. Use the Marking Periods option (Administration > Registration Setup > Calendars > Marking Periods).
  5. If the building uses standard Progress dates, define the dates for the Progress Runs for the building using the Progress Runs option (Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Setup > Progress Runs).
  6. Define the marks that can be issued in your building (Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Setup > Level Table). Do not define level table details until after you have added the honor roll, GPA, eligibility, at risk criteria setups that are needed for the building.
  7. Define the mark types for which you grade students for report cards and/or interim progress reports using the Mark Types option (Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Setup > Mark Types).
  8. Define the fixed comments that can be entered for students for report cards and/or progress reports using the MR Comments option (Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Setup > MR Comments).
  9. Define the comment types for which you store comments for report cards and/or interim progress reports using the Comment Types option (Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Setup > Comment Types).
  10. Define the absence types for which you want to store class absence information for report cards and/or interim progress reports using the Absence Types option (Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Setup > Absence Types).
  11. If the GPAs have not been defined for the district, define the GPA Types using the GPA Setup option (Administration > Mark Reporting Setup> Setup > GPA Setup).
  12. Define the honor rolls for the building using the Honor Roll Setup option (Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Calculation Setup > Honor Roll Setup).
  13. If you check athletic eligibility status based on mark reporting information, define the appropriate setups.
    • For eligibility criteria based on progress reports, use the Progress Eligibility Setup (Administration > Registration Setup > Activity Eligibility Setup> Progress Eligibility Setup) option.
    • For eligibility criteria based on report cards, use the Report Card Eligibility Setup (Administration > Registration Setup > Activity Eligibility Setup> Report Card Eligibility Setup) option.
  14. If you calculate student's as at risk based on mark reporting criteria, define the appropriate setups.
    • For at risk criteria based on progress reports, use the Progress At Risk Setup (Administration > Interventions Setup > At Risk > Progress At Risk Setup) option.
    • For at risk criteria based on report cards, use the Report Card At Risk Setup (Administration > Interventions Setup > At Risk > Report Card At Risk Setup) option.
  15. Update levels in the Level Table to indicate how marks should be processed by the assign credit calculation, GPA calculation, honor roll calculation, eligibility calculations, and the average calculation using the Level Table option (Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Setup > Level Table).
  16. Define how the building assigns credit using the Course Credit Setup option (Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Calculation Setup > Course Credit Setup).
  17. If your building calculates an average mark based on marks entered for other mark types for the student, define how the average should be calculated using the Average Setup option (Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Calculation Setup > Average Setup). Make sure the Averaging Usage fields (Type and Value) in the Level Table are set correctly because these fields determine how individual marks are processed when calculating the average.
  18. If you defined an average setup to use mark substitution to return the average mark, define the mark substitution using the Average Mark Substitution Setup option (Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Calculation Setup > Average Mark Substitution Setup).
  19. If your district uses Graduation Requirements to verify that students are meeting your district requirements for graduation, use the Graduation Requirements option (Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Calculation Setup > Graduation Requirements Setup) to define the graduation requirements.
  20. If your state requires that you print transcripts with state course codes, you must set up course equivalency information to map local course codes to state course codes.
    • Define how the building uses course equivalency using the Course Equivalency Setup (Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Calculation Setup > Course Equivalency Setup) option.
    • Define the state course codes for the building using the State Courses (Scheduling > Courses > District Courses > State Courses) option.
    • Define the equivalencies which indicate the local courses that make up part(s) of the state course using the Course Equivalency Definition (Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Calculation Setup > Course Equivalency Definitions) option.
  21. Define how progress information should be displayed on the Student Progress Summary page and printed on the Progress card using the Progress View Setup (Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > View Setup > Progress View Setup) option.
  22. Define how report card information should display on the Student Report Card Summary page and printed on the report card using the Report Card View Setup (Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > View Setup > Report Card View Setup) option.
  23. Define how transcript information should display on the Transcript Summary page and printed on the transcript using the Transcript View Setup (Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > View Setup > Transcript View Setup) option. This setup must be added for transfer buildings as well because it determines what values can be entered for transfer courses on the Transcript Courses page.

For more information, refer to the appropriate topics in the eSchoolPlus online help.

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