Use this page to add or change the available lunch types for teachers entering lunch counts in Teacher Access Center's My Home page. The lunch types also display in the Lunch Count widget of eSchoolPlus's Home page, enabling administrators and other personnel to track the daily counts on a building-by-building basis and identify staff members who have not submitted their counts for the current date.
To report on lunch counts, an administrator must write a district-defined report. Lunch counts are stored in the TAC_LUNCH_COUNTS table.
If the search page opens, click building's link to display lunch types.
Select the (Delete) checkbox for each record to delete.
Click Save.
Lunch Types Panel
Code identifying a lunch type.
Although these codes do not display in either eSchoolPlus or TAC, the lunch types will be listed in code order in both systems. Character/5
Description of the lunch type, which displays in the TAC's Lunch Counts window and the eSchoolPlus Home page's Lunch Count widget. Character/255
If checked, the lunch type displays in TAC's Lunch Counts window and in the Lunch Counts widget of eSchoolPlus's Home page. To prevent a lunch type from displaying, uncheck the box.
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