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LTI Clients

eSchoolPlus or higher.

The LTI Clients page is used to activate the LTI clients used for tools that use LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability). LTI is a sign-on standard developed by IMS Global allowing web-based resources to be accessed and viewed from within a learning platform. This feature will support LTI clients as they are released.

Activate an LTI Client

  1. From the menu, select Administration, then Utilities, and under the Integrations heading, select LTI Clients.
  2. Click the link for the LTI client.
  3. Select the Active checkbox.
  4. Select the tools to activate.
  5. Save changes.
  6. Copy the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret so you can provide the values to the tool you are integrating with eSchoolPlus. Right-click and select Copy to copy the values. To view the consumer secret, click Show.

Regenerate the Consumer Key

If the consumer key has been compromised, you can regenerate the key. Do not regenerate the key unless you are planning to update the key stored in the tool as well.

  1. From the menu, select Administration, then Utilities, and under the Integrations heading, select LTI Clients.
  2. Click the link for the LTI client.
  3. Click Regenerate.

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