Use this page to transfer marks from report cards to a score in a test record. For example, you might use this option if there is a mark type that a building tracks for students that is equivalent to a standardized test score. When you run the option, the mark for the selected mark type will be copied to the indicated test score field. If a student does not have a record for the test score, a record will be created. If a student has a record for the test score, the record will be updated.
To transfer marks to test scores, you must specify the following information:
Mark type for which you want to transfer the mark.
Score to which you want to transfer the mark. You must select the test, level, form, subtest, and score.
Courses from which you want to transfer the mark from the mark type to the test score field.
When you use the Load Marks to Test Scores utility, you can select to transfer information based on a group code or based on mark type and course selections. You can define course groups using the Test Score Center Course Setup option. Course groups allow you to define a list of courses that you want to process, and you can specify the mark type to transfer for each course-section you list. If you want to use course groups to transfer courses, you must define the groups before you run the utility.
Define the test, subtest, and score to which you want to transfer the mark using the Test Definition option.
Verify that marks have been entered for the mark type from which you want to transfer marks.
If you want to transfer marks based on groups of courses, define course groups using the Test Score Center Course Setup option.
Load student marks to a test score field
Select Mark Reporting > Utilities > Mass Update/Load > Load Marks to Test Scores.
To back up test score data before you update records, click (Additional options), and then select Backup.
In the Pull Score From section, define the mark you are loading and the import directory.
In the Test/Subtest Location for Value section, select the score field where the mark value will be loaded.
In the Filter panel, select the students and courses affected.
Click Run.
After the task has completed, review your test score data, and verify that data was correctly loaded. If you are not satisfied with how data was loaded and you created a backup in Step 2, you can restore the test data. To restore data, click (Additional options), and then select Restore.
Use caution when using the Backup and Restore options if more than one user runs uploads or updates testing information within the district. The backup option backs up all data in the tables processed by the interface. It does not selectively process a building or test. Thus, if another user updates testing data between the time of the backup and restore, the other user's data will be lost.
Prompts Panel
Pull Score From Section
Pull Scores from (Unlabeled)
Select whether you want to pull scores from a mark type based on a course group or a selected mark type.
Group - to select the course group for transferring marks. Use this option if you want to select a group that was defined using the Test Score Center Course Setup option. Mark - to specify the mark type and marking period of the mark you want to transfer and to select courses based on criteria.
Building List
Buildings for which you want to transfer information. This field can only be accessed if you select to pull scores from a mark.
Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click (asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.
Marking Period
Marking period for transferring the mark for the mark type. This field is inaccessible if you select to pull scores from a group.
Final Mark - to indicate that the mark type you are transferring marks from is defined to be issued once per year in the Mark Type option. Selected - to select the marking period for which you want to transfer the mark. Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click (asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.
Mark Type
Mark type for transferring the mark to a test score. This field is inaccessible if you select to pull scores from a group.
Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click (asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.
Course Session
Session of the course for transferring the mark. Typically, you would transfer marks from session 1. This field is inaccessible if you select to pull scores from a group.
Import Directory
Directory where the backup file is stored. Before you restore test data, make sure you select the directory to which you saved the backup file that you want to restore.
User's Report Directory - to save the backup file to your report directory. This Directory - to specify the directory where you want to save the file.
Test/Subtest Location For Value Section
This label applies to the next three fields. Select the test, level, and form of the test score to which you want to transfer the mark. To search for the test, level, and form, click Search on the Form field.
Subtest for the score to which you want to transfer the mark.
Score to which you want to transfer the mark.
Test Date
Test date of the test record to which you want to transfer the mark.
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