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Keyboard Shortcuts

You can use your keyboard for many shortcuts in eSchoolPlus.

Navigating pages



Move forward to next field or next button


Move backward to previous field or previous button


Scroll down within a page

Down Arrow

Scroll up within a page

Up Arrow

Scroll to bottom of a page


Scroll to top of the page.

Hint: This is a quick way to access options on the eSchoolPlus banner


Scroll to right within a grid

First, click in grid. Then press Right Arrow key.

Scroll to left within a grid

First, click in grid. Then press Left Arrow key.

Move down to next row in a grid

Ctrl+Down Arrow

Move up to next row in a grid

Ctrl+Up Arrow

Selecting values in Drop-Down fields



To find a value by code or description

Begin typing the value. After the appropriate value is highlighted, press Tab to select code and move to next field.

Move forward to next value within drop-down

Down Arrow

Move backward to previous value within drop-down

Up Arrow

Selecting values in a Multi-Select field



To find a value by code or description

Begin typing the value. After the appropriate value is highlighted, press Enter to select code and continue selecting additional codes.

When done, press Tab to exit field.

Move forward to next value within drop-down

Down Arrow

Move backward to previous value within drop-down

Up Arrow

Selecting date



Set to current date


Set to the first day of the current month


Set to the first day of the current year


Increase entered date by one day

+ or =

Decrease entered date by one day

- or _

Increase entered date by one month


Decrease entered date by one month


Setting time



Set to current time


Increase the time in increments of 5. The first time you press the keystroke, the entered time is increased to the next five minute interval. For example, if you entered 11:07 and pressed +, the time would be updated to 11:10

+ or =

Decrease the time in increments of 5. The first time you press the keystroke, the entered time is decreased to the previous five minute interval. For example, if you entered 11:07 and pressed -, the time would be updated to 11:05

- or _

Increase time entered by one hour


Decrease time entered by one hour


Round time down to the hour


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