Immunizations Procedural Overview
This procedure explains the general process to set up immunization rules, enter immunization data, validate immunizations, and send letters home to students with immunization deficiencies.
- Use the Medical Configuration option (Administration > Medical Setup > Setup > Medical Configuration) to set up a configuration record for each building in your district.
- Set up the order of your grades in the Grades table using the Grades option (Administration > Registration Setup > Setup > Grades).
- Define all valid immunization shots and series in the Vaccinations table using the Validation Tables option (Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables). Select the Medical Records application, and then select Vaccinations. This table names the immunization, for both shots and series.
- A series is the immunization requirement that will be tracked and checked by the system.
- A shot is the specific kind of inoculation given toward the immunization requirement.
- Set up information on series that can be fulfilled by either alternate immunization shots or a set of alternate immunization shots in the Alternate Doses table using the Alternate Doses option (Administration > Medical Setup > Setup > Alternate Doses).
For example, a DTP series could be met by a DTP shot or by alternate doses of DTAP or TD. - Use the Immunizations Schedules option (Administration > Medical Setup > Setup > Immunization Schedules) to set up the requirements for immunizations. This process defines the immunization milestones that each student must meet, such as the number of doses required for each type of immunization and the time between doses. Use the Copy option to create a new schedule based on an existing one. For example, if kindergartners have greater requirements than other students, you may need to copy and modify those schedules.
- Use the Immunization Criteria option (Administration > Medical Setup > Setup > Immunization Criteria) to specify the immunization schedules that should be used when validating student immunization information. Each criterion will select only the students specified, as grouped by age, grade, birth date, or district entry date (grace period date).
Criteria should be set up with the most specific criterion first. Students are validated based on the first criterion they meet and are not checked by any additional criteria.
For example, you might have one criterion that applies to kindergartners and another that applies to children up to age 5 who are not in kindergarten (those still in pre-kindergarten classes). The kindergarten criterion would need to be first, so that it catches all children who are in kindergarten.
If your criteria for different ages are similar, use the Copy option on the Immunization Criteria page to copy from one criterion to another. You can then modify the new criteria as needed. For example, students of a certain age may have an additional vaccine, as compared to younger students. You could copy from one criterion and then update the new one as needed. - Use Microsoft Word to create your immunization form letters.
- Use the Immunizations option (Medical > All > Student > Immunizations) to enter immunization shots for students, as applicable.
- Use the Medical Card option (Medical > All > Reports > Medical Card) to run a report containing medical information for students. The Medical Card Report contains basic information for each student, such as name and date of birth, as well as vaccination records.
- Run the Validate Immunizations option (Medical > All > Utilities > Validate Immunizations) to check students' immunization series records against the appropriate criteria. This program updates the Status field on students' immunization series records and the students' general status and produces a list of students who have not met all criteria.
- Use the Tasks/Reports option to review the Immunization Validation log. If it includes errors that must be corrected before generating letters, make the necessary changes for students.
- Run the Generate Communication List option (Medical > All > Communications > Generate Communication List) to print a list of students who are not compliant with immunization schedules.
- Run the Send Communications option (Medical > All > Communications > Send Communications)to create the merge file.
- On the Tasks/Reports page, right-click on the merge file, and select Save Target As. Save the file to the directory used for Microsoft Word letters.
- Use Microsoft Word to merge the data file into the form letter to produce immunization letters.