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House/Team Assignment by Course Page

Use this page to assign a house/team to students who are scheduled into a specific course-section.

For example, you can schedule students into English courses before assigning house/teams to the students. Next, you can assign a house/team based on the section of the English course scheduled. You then can run the Student Scheduler (Scheduling > Student Schedules > Student Scheduler > Schedule Students) to schedule by house/team in order to schedule the same group of students together for other course-sections in the house/team.


Do not use this option for a building that is defined to use Multiple Bell Scheduling features. Multiple Bell Scheduling requires that house/teams are assigned to students before any courses can be scheduled.

Assign house/teams based on a course

  1. Schedule students for the course-sections that you want to assign to house/teams.
  2. Select Registration > Utilities > Tools > House/Team Assignment by Course.
  3. On the House/Team Assignment by Course page's Prompts Panel, specify how you want to assign house/teams.
  4. On the Filter panel, select the students to assign to the house/teams..
  5. On the Course/Section panel, select the course-section to assign.
    A new row displays as you enter a course-section.
  6. Repeat Step 5 for each additional course-section to assign.
  7. Click Run.


Prompts Panel




Building for which you are assigning house/teams to students.

Set House Team to

Indicates how you want to assign house teams.


Value of - to specify the house/team to assign to students scheduled for the courses selected below. If you select this option, you also must select the house/team code to assign to students.
Value from Course/Section - to specify that the house/team defined for the selected course will be assigned to the selected students in the course-section.

Override Existing Values

Checked if you want to change the house/team for students who already have a house/team specified. Leave the box unchecked if you only want to assign the house/team to students who do not already have a house/team assignment.

Course/Section Panel

On this panel, you can enter a list of course-sections for assigning house/teams to students. A house/team will be assigned only to students who are scheduled into one of the selected course-sections. The filter can be used to limit the number of students within a course-section who are assigned to the team. For example, you can filter based on grade if a course can be taken by students in grades 9 and 10, but students in grade 10 are assigned to one house team and students in grade 9 are assigned to another team.




Course code for the course based on which you want to assign house/teams.

If the Set House Team to field is set to Value of, you can only select course-sections that have no house/team assignment or are assigned to the same house/team as the value selected.

If the Set House Team to field is set to Value from Course/Section, then the house/team for the selected course-section will be assigned to the selected students taking the course.


Section for the course based on which you want to assign house/teams.

  • If the Set House Team to field is set to Value of, you can only select course-sections that have no house/team assignment or are assigned to the same house/team as the value selected.
  • If the Set House Team to field is set to Value from Course/Section, then the house/team for the selected course-section will be assigned to the selected students taking the course.


The course-section's description.


To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save.
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