Homeroom Assignment by Period Page
Use this page to mass assign students to a homeroom based on a course the student is scheduled for. The students processed will be assigned to the room number for the session of the course that the student is in on a given period of the selected cycle day and marking period. You can use this option to set the Primary Homeroom or Secondary Homeroom value.
This option should be run after you have completed scheduling students. If a student is not scheduled for a class during the selected period, a homeroom will not be assigned.
If you need to set the homeroom for next year, you must make sure that your environment is set to the correct school year. If you set the next year homeroom values, your rollover criteria must move the next year homeroom value to the current year homeroom field(s).
If you set the homeroom value in order to distribute report cards and students may have different courses in different classrooms each marking period, you may need to run this option every marking period.
Mass Assign Students to a Homeroom
- Select Registration > Utilities > Tools > Homeroom Assignment by Period.
- Specify the calculation options.
- Click Run.
Prompts Panel
Field | Description |
Building | Building for which you are assigning homerooms. |
Homeroom | Homeroom field to update. Choices include: Primary Homeroom Secondary Homeroom To update the next year or summer school homeroom fields, make sure you have selected the correct environment. |
Marking Period | Select the marking period based on which you want to assign the student's homeroom. For example, if you schedule by semester, you might run this option for marking period 1 for semester 1 and then run it again for marking period 3 for semester 2. |
Cycle Day | Select the cycle day based on which you want to assign the student's homeroom. You cannot assign homerooms based on alternate cycle days. |
Homeroom Period | Select the period based on which you want to assign the student's homeroom. The option will set the students who are processed to have a homeroom value equal to the room number for the session of the course that meets in the selected period for the marking period and cycle day indicated. |
Program End Date | If your district program tracks the homeroom field you selected, this field displays. Enter the date to use as the withdrawal date for the student's current value for the homeroom field. |
Program Start Date | If your district program tracks the homeroom field you selected, this field displays. Enter the date to use as the entry date for the date tracking record for the student's new homeroom value. |