Use this page to add or view Gradebook scales. Gradebook scales can be used to convert calculated student Gradebook averages to progress report and report card marks. If a Gradebook scale should be used to convert the average to a mark, then the student must be assigned a Gradebook scale. You may assign a scale to a student to curve the numeric average before posting a grade to Mark Reporting. For example, if students in a specific curriculum have the average curved.
If a student is not assigned a scale, the load from Gradebook option will convert the numeric average to the first mark found in the level table that has an Average Using Value equal to the numeric average. If the calculated average is not in the level table, the mark with the closest value is used.
Gradebook scales are required if your building uses a 4.0 grading scale for the Average Using Value field in the level table. You must define at least one Gradebook scale to convert the numeric average to the correct mark. Then all students must be assigned to a Gradebook scale.
Gradebook scales can be assigned to students in three different ways:
On the Gradebook Scale Setup page, you can select the Default Scale checkbox for a scale to assign that scale to all students.
On TAC's Gradebook Setup page, the teacher can select a scale to assign to all students in the course-section. Note that the MR Building Configuration may be defined so that teachers cannot set a default scale for a course-section. If a scale is assigned to a course-section, it overrides the building default.
On TAC's Gradebook Entry page, the teacher can select a scale for individual students. If a scale is assigned to a student, it overrides any building or course-section default.
Select the (Delete) checkbox for each record to delete.
Click Save.
Click Yes.
General Panel
Building for the Gradebook scale.
Scale Name
Code for the grading scale. Character/5
Text describing the grading scale. This description displays for teachers on the Gradebook page. Character/100
Default Scale
Checked if the grading scale should be used as the default scale for all students in the building.
Only one grading scale can be used as the default grading scale. If a grading scale was already selected as the default, it will no longer be the default if you check the Default box for another scale and save.
Long Description
Text describing the scale in more detail. Character/255
Gradebook Scale Panel
Select the mark from the level table.
Minimum Percent
Minimum percentage that is equivalent to the associated mark. If the student's numeric average is equal to or greater than the minimum percentage for a mark and less than the next highest percentage value, the mark will be posted. For example, if the minimum percent for A is 90.00 and the minimum percentage for B is 80.00, a B is posted if the student receives an average of 80.00 through 89.99.
After you save the Gradebook scale, the system displays the marks in order based on the Minimum Percent value.
If you want to round up from a.5, you can define a decimal value for the percentage. For example, to load an A for an average of 89.5, enter a minimum percentage of 89.5. If some teachers want to round, while others want to truncate, you can define two scales. The scale for rounding would be defined with decimal values in the Minimum Percent; the scale for truncating would be defined without decimal values in the Minimum Percent.
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