Use this page to define the rules for how your district calculates Grade Point Averages (GPA) and ranks students. GPA setups are defined for the district.
To learn about the eSchoolPlus GPA calculation and the options available for specifying the rules for GPAs, refer to the following topics:
Select Administration > Mark Reporting Setup> Setup > GPA Setup.
Click GPA Type link to display details.
Add a GPA Setup
Select Administration > Mark Reporting Setup> Setup > GPA Setup.
Click Add.
Complete fields as apperopriate.
Click Save.
Change GPA settings
Select Administration > Mark Reporting Setup> Setup > GPA Setup.
Click GPA Type link to display details.
Change values as needed.
Click Save.
Delete GPA Setups
When you delete a GPA type, any existing student GPA records for the GPA type are also deleted. Only delete a GPA type if you do not want to retain student GPA records.
If you do not want to delete existing GPA records, use the Active checkbox to make the GPA type inactive instead.
Select Administration > Mark Reporting Setup> Setup > GPA Setup.
Click GPA Type link to display details.
Click (Delete).
A prompt displays indicating that if you delete a GPA type, then any existing GPA records for the GPA type will also be deleted. Click Yes to continue to delete the GPA type and existing student GPA records for the GPA type or click No to cancel the delete.
General Panel
GPA Type
Code for the GPA setup. Character/5
Description of the GPA setup. Character/255
Issue this GPA
Selects when this GPA is issued.
R - By RC Run - to issue the GPA every report card run. Report card runs are associated with weeks using the Marking Periods option. Students will have one GPA record per run. T - By Term - to issue the GPA every term. Terms are associated with weeks using the Marking Periods option. Students will have one GPA record per term. Y - By Year - to issue the GPA once a year. Students will have one GPA record per year.
For more information on setting up rc runs and terms for marking periods, refer to the Marking Periods Page.
This setting affects the number of GPA records which are created for a school year. We do not recommend changing this setting after GPA records have been calculated.
Checked if the GPA setup is active for the current year.
Default in Master Schedule
Checked if all courses added in the Course Catalog should be included in this GPA type by default. When course-sections are added to the Master Schedule, the Course Catalog's setting defaults to the Master Schedule.
When you save a new GPA setup and you have checked this field, existing Course Catalog and Master Schedule records will be updated to be included in this GPA type.
Display Rank
Checked if the student's rank information should display class rank on the GPA Summary page, Rank Report, and Transcript. If you select not to display the rank, the class size may still display.
This setting does not affect whether class rank is printed on the Report Card. The Report Card View page has a separate setting to indicate whether class rank should print.
Display Percentile
Checked if the student's rank should be displayed as a percentile on the GPA Summary page, Rank Report, and Transcript. If you want to display student rank as a percentage in order to see how the student performed compared to other students, check this box. For example, if a student has a class rank of 72 out of 300, the student's percentile would be 25.
Percentile is calculated as (((rank in class - 1)/class size) * 100) +.5
The Percentile Rank Types field in the Rank Calculation panel determines whether or not the calculated percentile is converted so that the highest percentile rank is based on 100, 99, or 1.
Display Decile
Checked if the student's rank should be displayed as a decile on the GPA Summary page, Rank Report, and Transcript. If you want to display the student rank position by dividing the distribution into groups of 10, check this box. For example, if a student has a class rank of 72 out of 300, the student's percentile would fall into the 3rd decile (20 to 29 percent).
Decile is calculated as (((rank in class - 1)/class size) * 10) +.5
Display Quintile
Checked if the student's rank should be displayed as a quintile on the GPA Summary page, Rank Report, and Transcript. If you want to display the student rank position by dividing the distribution into groups of 5, check this box. For example, if a student has a class rank of 72 out of 300, the student's percentile would fall into the 2nd quintile (20 to 39 percent).
Quintile is calculated as (((rank in class - 1)/class size) * 5) +.5
Display Quartile
Checked if the student's rank should be displayed as a quartile on the GPA Summary page, Rank Report, and Transcript. If you want to display student rank position by dividing the distribution into groups of 4, check this box. For example, if a student has a class rank of 72 out of 300, the student's percentile would fall into the 1st quartile (1 to 25 percent). Quartile is calculated as (((rank in class - 1)/class size) * 4) +.5
GPA Calculation Panel
Attempted Credit to Use
Indicates whether the Master Schedule attempted credit or 1.0 is used for the GPA calculation.
1 - All Courses Worth 1.0 - to indicate that all courses will have 1.0 credit value in the GPA calculation. M - Use Credit from Master Schedule - to indicate that credit for a course will be based on the attempted credit that a student can earn for the course.
Use Partial Credit
Checked if the calculation should use partial credit for courses. If you use partial credit, the calculation divides the course credit by the number of marks for the specified mark type. For example, a full year course receives 1.0 credit and the GPA is issued by term for a two semester school, so the credit for a term is 1.0/2 =.5000.
Otherwise, the full credit is used in the GPA calculation.
Use Courses Not Ended
Checked if the GPA calculation includes courses that are not completed.
Otherwise, a course is not included in the calculation until the last marking period of the course has been completed based on the Current RC Run selected in the MR Building Configuration.
Blank Marks
Indicates how blank marks should be processed.
I - Blank Marks are Ignored - to have the GPA calculation ignore the mark and not include the credit for the mark if a course has a blank mark. Z - Blank Marks are Treated as Zero - to have the GPA calculation assume that an point value of 0.00 should be used if a course has a blank mark.
GPA Precision
Selects the number of decimal points to use for the GPA. The system rounds the GPA to the selected precision. Select:
0 - 0 Decimal Places (ex. 4).
1 - 1 Decimal Place (ex. 4.0).
2 - 2 Decimal Places (ex. 4.00).
3 - 3 Decimal Places (ex. 4.000).
4 - 4 Decimal Places (ex. 4.0000).
Select the student grades for which students should have GPA records and be included in the rank calculation. For example, if ninth through twelfth grade should be included, select 09, 10, 11, and 12. Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click (asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.
The GPA Calculation creates GPA records for students in the selected grades.
Add-On Points
Indicates how the add-on point values should be added to the cumulative GPA for the GPA type. The add-on points are added to the cumulative GPA after it is calculated.
A - Add Average Points to GPA - to average the add-on points earned for all of the student's GPA records to the cumulative GPA. The average is calculated by summing the add-on points and then dividing the sum by the number of GPA records for the GPA type. T - Add Total Points to GPA - to sum the add-on points earned for all of the student's GPA records and then add the sum to the cumulative GPA.
State Course Equivalency
Indicates whether state course credits or local course credits should be used when calculating the GPA.
R - Use Regular Courses Only - to include only local courses in the GPA calculation. B - Use State-Defined and Unlinked Regular Courses - to include all state courses, plus any local courses that are not linked to any state course in the GPA calculation. S - Use State-Defined Courses Only - to include only state courses in the GPA calculation.
If your district does not define state courses or does not use state courses to calculate the GPA, select R - Use Regular Courses Only.
Marks to Use in GPA Calculation Panel
The GPA calculation uses the point value for the mark entered for a selected mark type; mark types are processed in order.
The order of the codes in this panel affects how marks are processed by the GPA calculation. To reorder a code, click the tab to the left of the Code and drag to the desired location.
The calculation first uses the mark type at the top. If that mark type is not found or is not issued in the marking period, then the calculation uses the next mark type, and so forth. For example, if Sem (semester grade) is at the top and MP (marking period grade) is next, the GPA calculation will use the Sem mark if found, otherwise the calculation uses the MP mark.
Mark Types
Code for the mark type to use. The GPA calculation uses the point value for the mark entered for the selected mark type.
If you calculate the GPA based on a mark type that is issued once per year, the mark type will not be used until the course is completed. For example, if you calculate GPAs using a final and a student has a full year course, the GPA for the student will not include the course until the last marking period of the year, even if a final mark is entered for the student before the class is completed.
Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click (asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.
Limits which grade levels should use the mark type to calculate the GPA. Associate a grade list with a mark type only if the mark type should not be used to calculate the GPA for students in other grades.
For example, you may enter a grade list for a mark type if students in grades 09, 10, 11, and 12 get a GPA record for the GPA type, but only students in grades 10, 11, and 12 should include marks received for a mark type that is issued in summer school.
Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click (asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.
Rank Calculation Panel
Rank Inactive Students
Determines how the GPA calculation processes inactive students.
N - Do Not Include Inactive Students in Rank Calculation. Y - Include All Inactive Students in Rank Calculation. S - Only Include Inactive Students with Withdrawal Codes Listed. If you select this option, select the withdrawal codes that should be included in the Withdrawal Codes field.
Withdrawal Codes
If the Rank Inactive Students field is set to S - Only Include Inactive Students with Withdrawal Codes Listed, select the withdrawal codes for which you want to rank inactive students.
This field only displays if the Rank Inactive Students field is set to S - Only Include Inactive Students with Withdrawal Codes Listed.
Rank By
Indicates whether class rank will be calculated based on student GPAs or quality points. Select:
G - Grade Point Average - to base rank on the GPA for the GPA type. Q - Quality Points - to base rank on the Quality Points for the GPA type.
The selected option determines what information displays below the Rank Field on the Student GPA Detail page.
GPA Setups are not stored by school year. If you change this value and then recalculate rank for prior years, all prior year records for the selected students will also be recalculated to rank based on the selected method.
Percentile Rank Types
Determines the highest percentile rank for students in the district. The Rank Calculation calculates the percentile is calculated as described above in the Display Percentile field description. Then, the value is converted based on your selection in this field.
Percentile rank of 1 is highest - to set the highest percentile rank to 1. The percentile value is not converted. Percentile rank of 99 is highest - to set the highest percentile rank to 99. The value is converted by subtracting the percentile from 100. Percentile rank of 100 is highest - to set the highest percentile rank to 100. The value is converted by subtracting the percentile from 101.
If 1 is highest
If 99 is highest
If 100 is highest
100 out of 361
District Wide Rank
Checked if students should be ranked within the district, instead of building, for this GPA type. For example, if your district has multiple high schools and you want to rank all 12th grade students in one class rank, you would select this checkbox. When users run the Rank Calculation and the Rank Report options for a rank type that is defined to be calculated for the district, the options will ignore the specified building prompt and will process all students in the selected grades.
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