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Generate Communications List Page

On this page:

Use this page to generate a report of all notifications generated on selected dates. You can print the communication listing in a summary or detail format. Both formats list students who received communications during the selected date range.

Summary: The report file is named Notification Listing Summary. For each communication, the report lists the communication date, attendance codes, absence count, and absences per letter.

  • If a letter was processed by the Send Communications option, its Sent Letter indicator will be set to Y (for yes).
  • If a PLUS 360 notification was generated and sent by the Send Communications option, its Send Notif indicator is set to Y (for yes).

Detail: The report file is named Notification Listing Detail. For each criteria and communication date, the report lists the attendance date, detailed course or period information, and attendance information. The details depend on the communication criteria that generated the letter and notification, as well as on how your building takes attendance.

  • If a letter was processed by the Send Communications option, its Letter indicator will be set to Y (for yes).
  • If a PLUS 360 notification was generated and sent by the Send Communications option, its Notif indicator will be set to Y (for yes).
    For communications calculated based on the attendance bottomline:
  • If the building takes attendance by period or timeslot and validates times based on the timetable, the report will list the course.
  • If the building takes attendance by period or timeslot, but does not validate times based on the timetable, the report will list the start and end times of attendance periods.
  • If the building takes attendance by homeroom, the report will list the start and end times of attendance periods.

For communications calculated based on day totals, the report lists day total information, rather than course or period information.


Calculate letters by running Attendance > All > Attendance Communications > Attendance Criteria Calculation.

Run report

  1. Select Attendance > All > Attendance Communications > Generate Communications List.
  2. Specify the processing options.
  3. Click Run.


Prompts Panel




Building of the students to include in the report.

First notification date

The first date to use as an endpoint of calculations. Calculations always run from the beginning of the reporting cycle to this date.


By Date - to use a set date as the first end date.
By Prior Days - to run the process for a set number of attendance days. Prior days count backward from the end date. For example, if the end date is Friday and you want the report to cover a full week Monday through Friday, enter 4. This option is useful if you schedule the process to run periodically.

Last notification date

The ending date of calculations.


Today - to use today as the last date to check. This option is useful if you schedule the calculation to run periodically.
By Date - to use a set date as the end date for the calculation.

Report type

The amount of attendance information to include in the report.

Detail - to include each absence date and code.
Summary - to include totals only.

Include Notifications

Series of boxes that allow you to select the type of records to include.

Valid, Not Sent - checked to include records that are valid, but have not been sent as letters or notifications.
Valid, Sent - checked to include records that are valid, and have been sent as letters or notifications.
Invalid - checked to include records that were made invalid because attendance data was changed after the communication was created.

Sort Panel

Use the Sort panel to specify how records should be ordered in a report. You enter lines of sort criteria; the system compares your sort criteria against the corresponding fields in the records being searched and displays records in either ascending or descending order based on the sort fields.

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