Use this page to view, add, or change Fee Item records. Fee items define the fees related to courses, activities, materials, services, and other items for which students can be billed.
Changes to a fee item do not update fee groups that include the fee item. If the fee should be updated within fee groups, you must also update the fee group.
Select the (Delete) checkbox for each record to delete. The checkbox only displays for fee items that are not in use.
Click Save.
Click Yes to delete the selected items.
Select the building that will use the fee item.
Fee Code
Unique identifier for this Fee Item.
The type of fee that this fee item applies to. If your building uses Fee Groups to bill students, you can only apply a fee with the same fee type to a group. For example, if a fee group is billed based on activity information, the fee items to be billed as part of this group must have a fee type of Activity.
A - Activity - to indicate the fee item applies to fee groups that are billed based on students' activities. C - Course - to indicate the fee item applies to fee groups that are billed based on students' scheduled courses. D - Debit - to indicate the fee item allows a payment to create a credit that can be applied toward debit charges. S - Student - to indicate the fee item applies to fee groups that are billed based on student informa+tion.
Text describing the fee item. Character/255
Unit Cost
Cost per unit. For example, 50.00 or 11.95. Decimal/6,2
Unit Type
Unit of measurement for the fee item. For example, a unit may be dozen, ticket, or book.
Number indicating the order in which fee item should be paid when automatic payments are applied. When a payment is applied automatically, the fee item with the lowest order number (for example, 10) is paid first, then the next lowest order number is paid, and so on until the full amount of the payment is applied. Small Integer
If you want items to be paid based on the date that the student was charged the fee, set all items to the same priority order. By default, fee items are assigned an order of 50.
May Be Prorated
Checked if the fee can be prorated for students who add or drop courses or for students who are resolved out of the course's marking periods. For example, select May Be Prorated to allow a course fee to be discounted if the student drops the course in the first two weeks.
An item can be prorated for some courses, but not others. When you define Fee Groups, you can specify that a fee item is or is not prorated for a specific course. The fee group prorate setting for an item overrides the setting for the individual fee item.
For example, if the fee should be prorated for most courses, but not all courses, select May Be Prorated for the fee item. When you define the fee group for the course for which the item cannot be prorated, clear the Prorate checkbox.
Fee Category
Select the category for including this fee on the Fee Category report.
Fee Subcategory
Select the sub-category for including this fee on the Fee Category report.
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