Use this page to view and record student medical exam data, such as dental, hearing, and physical exams.
For each type of exam, you can quickly see the history of when the exam was administered including the student's grade and exam date.
To view the exam details, click (Expand) for an individual exam.
To add exam results, click Add on the exam's panel.
You may not be able to edit information for prior days. The Medical Configuration's Allow Update on Prior Days field specifies the number of prior days you can update. You can always add referrals and enter follow up information for existing referrals. You may be able to edit existing notes, comments, and referral comments if the configuration is defined to allow editing of notes for locked office visits.
You can quickly switch to another student while you have the Medical Student Exams page displayed. Enter the next student's ID or name in the Quick Search field in the eSchoolPlus Navigation bar. Select the student from the list by clicking their name or by highlighting it and pressing Enter. The student's exam data will display.
View medical exam results
Select Medical > All > Student > Exams.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
To view exams that are not currently displayed, select the appropriate checkboxes in the Selections panel. Then click Load.
To display an exam's detailed results, click (Expand) for the exam.
Add medical exam results
Select Medical > All > Student > Exams.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
To add results for an exam that is not currently displayed, select the appropriate checkboxes on the Selections panel. Then click Load.
Click Add on the exam's panel.
Enter the exam date and other prompt values, and click OK.
Complete fields in the exam detail fields.
Click Save.
Add hearing exam results for decibel and frequency ranges
Select Medical > All > Student > Exams.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
If the hearing exam is not displayed, select the Hearing checkbox on the Selections panel. Then click Load.
Click Add on the hearing exam's panel.
Enter the exam date, and click OK.
Complete fields in the exam detail fields that display.
Click (Expand) on the Decibel/Frequency Test section.
To fill in default results for ranges, click (Additional options) at the far right of the section, and then select Set Default. Select the default value, and click OK.
To fill a column with the default result, select the checkbox at the top of the column.
To fill a row with the default result, select the checkbox at the left of the row.
As needed, change the value for a decibel/range to record the student's status.
Click Save.
Change medical exam results
You may not be able to edit information for prior days. The Medical Configuration's Allow Update on Prior Days field specifies the number of prior days you can update. You can always add referrals and enter follow up information for existing referrals. You may be able to edit existing notes, comments, and referral comments if the configuration is defined to allow editing of notes for locked office visits.
Select Medical > All > Student > Exams.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
To change results for an exam that is not currently displayed, select the appropriate checkbox in the Selections panel. Then click Load.
To display an exam's detailed results, click (Expand) for the exam.
Change values as needed.
Click Save.
Delete medical exam results
You can only delete exam records that are not locked for edit.
Select Medical > All > Student > Exams.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
Click (Delete) for each exam record to delete.
Click Save.
Student Information Bar
The bar, which displays on all student pages just below the Home icon and Menu button, includes options to view the student's alerts, attachments, and notes and to email the student's teachers and guardians.
Selections Panel
Your selections on this panel determine the exam data that will display for a student. These selections are saved automatically as you are likely to want to view the same exam data for all students.
Checked if dental exams should be displayed.
Checked if growth exams should display.
Checked if hearing exams should display.
Other Exams
Checked if other district-defined exams should display.
Checked if physicals exams should display.
Checked if Scoliosis exams should display.
Checked if vision exams should display.
Alerts & Disabilities Panel
This information displays only if medical alerts or disabilities have been entered on the student's Emergency page.
Medical Alerts
The Medical Alert Code, Description, and Comments, if any, entered on the Medical Alerts panel of the student's Emergency page.
The Disability Code and Description, if any, entered on the Disabilities panel of the Emergency page.
Dental Panel
To add an exam, click Add on the panel. Enter the exam date, and then click OK on the drawer that drops down. Then enter details for the exam.
The student's grade on the exam date.
The date of the exam.
The result of the exam.
Displays Y if a note has been entered for the exam.
Ref (Referral)
Displays Y if a referral has been entered for the exam.
Expanded Exam Detail Fields
The student's grade on the exam date.
The result of the exam.
The place where the exam was given, as stored in Medical's Locations table.
Dental Sealants
This field may display depending on state reporting requirements. For information about this field, refer to state reporting documentation.
Caries Exp
This field may display depending on state reporting requirements. For information about this field, refer to state reporting documentation.
Untreated Caries
This field may display depending on state reporting requirements. For information about this field, refer to state reporting documentation.
Unlimited free text about the exam. Character/Unlimited
Growth Panel
To add an exam, click Add on the panel. Enter the exam date, and then click OK on the drawer that drops down. Then enter details for the exam.
The student's grade on the exam date.
The date of the exam.
Displays Y if a note has been entered for the exam.
Ref (Referral)
Displays Y if a referral has been entered for the exam.
Expanded Exam Detail Fields
The student's grade on the exam date.
The place where the exam was given, as stored in Medical's Locations table.
The student's age on the exam date. The system calculates the student's age based on the birth date and the exam date.
The student’s height measured in full and fractional inches. Enter the measurement in decimal format. For example, to indicate 5 feet, 2 1/4 inches tall, you would enter 62.25. Decimal (5,2)
The student’s height percentile (from 1 to 100) based on the student's age (from ages 24 to 240 months) and gender displays to the right of the Height field.
The system calculates the student’s age, based on the birth date and the exam date. It pulls the appropriate percentile value from a table maintained by PowerSchool. If the student is older than the highest age in the table, the system will use the percentile for the highest age. If the student's percentile exceeds the established range, 1 or 100 may display.
The student's weight measured in full and fractional pounds. Enter the measurement in decimal format. For example, to indicate 95 and ½ pounds, you would enter 95.50. Decimal (5,2)
The student’s weight percentile (from 1 to 100), based on the student's age (from ages 24 to 240 months) and gender displays to the right of the Weight field.
The system calculates the student’s age, based on the birth date and the exam date. It pulls the appropriate percentile value from a table maintained by PowerSchool. If the student is older than the highest age in the table, the system will use the percentile for the highest age. If the student's percentile exceeds the established range, 1 or 100 may display.
BMI (Body Mass Index)
The body mass index for the student. The formula is weight/height2 multiplied by 703 (conversion factor for pounds/inches). This does not show the difference between fat and muscle. Sample guidelines:
Less than 18.5 is underweight,
18.5 to 24.9 is healthy,
25 to 29.9 is overweight.
The percentile range for this body mass index value, based on the student's age (from ages 24 to 240 months) and gender, displays to the right of the BMI field.
The system calculates the student’s age, based on the birth date and the exam date. It pulls the appropriate percentile value from a table maintained by PowerSchool. If the student is older than the highest age in the table, the system will use the percentile for the highest age. If the student's percentile exceeds the established range, 1 or 100 may display.
Note that if the child is under 2 years old, BMI cannot be calculated as this calculation is based on the CDC BMI calculation which applies only to children 2 years or older.
BMI Status (Unlabeled)
Indicates the district-defined status of the calculated percentile range for the body mass index value. For example, the status could indicate whether the student's BMI percentile falls within or outside the average range established for the age and gender.
Your district can customize the information that displays in this field. For example, if a student is overweight according to the calculation, your district may display a status that indicates an AN (Acanthosis Nigricans) Reading should be taken for the student.
AN Reading
Indicates the AN (Acanthosis Nigricans) Reading result.
N - Negative P - Positive
Blood Pressure
Indicates the Systolic/Diastolic reading for two sets of blood pressure checks. One set is for blood pressure taken before the AN Reading; the other set is for blood pressure taken after the AN Reading. Small Integer/3
Unlimited free text about the exam. Character/Unlimited
Hearing Panel
To add an exam, click Add on the panel. Enter the exam date, and then click OK on the drawer that drops down. Then enter details for the exam.
The student's grade on the exam date.
The date of the exam.
R (Right)
Displays the result of the exam for the right ear.
L (Left)
Displays the result of the exam for the left ear.
Displays Y if a note has been entered for the exam.
Ref (Referral)
Displays Y if a referral has been entered for the exam.
Expanded Exam Detail Fields
The student's grade on the exam date.
The place where the exam was given, as stored in Medical's Locations table.
Known Case
This field may display depending on state reporting requirements. For information about this field, refer to state reporting documentation.
Right Ear
The result of the exam for the right ear.
Left Ear
The result of the exam for the left ear.
Unlimited free text about the exam.Character/Unlimited
Decibel/Frequency Test Section
Click (Expand) to record results for specific decibel/frequency ranges. A grid displays frequencies across the top and decibels down the side. A key of the valid status codes is listed above the grid.
To default a status value for ranges, click (Additional options) in the far right of this section, and then select Set Default. Select the default to use, and click OK. A checkbox displays at the top of each column and to the left of each row. Select the box to fill in the default value for the corresponding row or column.
Other Exams Panel
This panel displays results for screening exams that your district has defined.
To add an exam, click Add on the panel. Enter the exam date and exam type, and then click OK on the drawer that drops down. Then enter details for the exam.
The Medical Card report prints the standard medical exams. It does not include the screenings that your district has defined.
The student's grade on the exam date.
The date of the exam.
Exam Type
The type of screening.
The result of the exam.
Displays Y if a note has been entered for the exam.
Ref (Referral)
Displays Y if a referral has been entered for the exam.
Displays the screening type for which you examined the student. Your district defines the available screenings. For example, your district may have a screening to track the results of a head lice exam.
Expanded Exam Detail Fields
The student's grade on the exam date.
The result of the exam.
The place where the exam was given, as stored in Medical's Locations table.
Unlimited free text about the exam. Character/Unlimited
Physicals Panel
This panel displays results for athletic and normal physical exams. The assessments available depend on what your district has defined for the selected exam type.
The student's grade on the exam date.
The date of the exam.
Indicates if the exam was a normal or athletic exam.
Displays Y if a note has been entered for the exam.
Ref (Referral)
Displays Y if a referral has been entered for the exam.
Expanded Exam Detail Fields
The student's grade on the exam date.
The place where the exam was given, as stored in Medical's Locations table.
Exam Type
When adding a new exam, select:
Normal - to add a normal exam. Athletic - to add an athletic exam.
The tests available depend on your district's setup.
Do not change this value for an exam after results have been entered.
The student's pulse at the time of the examination. Valid values are in the range 30-200. Small Integer/3
Blood Pressure
The student’s blood pressure at the time of the examination. Systolic pressure is entered in the first field and diastolic pressure in the second. Valid values are in the range 30-300. Character/3; Character/3
Assessment Status Fields (District-Defined Labels)
For each assessment included, enter the result of the exam. Move the mouse pointer over the exam name to see its description.
Unlimited free text about the exam. Character/Unlimited
Scoliosis Panel
To add an exam, click Add on the panel. Enter the exam date, and then click OK on the drawer that drops down. Then enter details for the exam.
The student's grade on the exam date.
The date of the exam.
The result of the exam.
Displays Y if a note has been entered for the exam.
Ref (Referral)
Displays Y if a referral has been entered for the exam.
Expanded Exam Detail Fields
The student's grade on the exam date.
The result of the exam.
The place where the exam was given, as stored in Medical's Locations table.
Unlimited free text about the exam. Character/Unlimited
Vision Panel
To add an exam, click Add on the panel. Enter the exam date and time, and then click OK on the drawer that drops down. Then enter details for the exam.
The student's grade on the exam date.
The date of the exam.
The time of the exam.
Displays the result of the exam for the right eye.
Displays the result of the exam for the left eye.
Indicates if the exam results are for a test of Near or Far vision. No value displays if your district does not report near and far results separately.
Displays Y if a note has been entered for the exam.
Ref (Referral)
Displays Y if a referral has been entered for the exam.
Expanded Exam Detail Fields
The student's grade on the exam date.
Screening Type
This field may display depending on state reporting requirements. For information about this field, refer to state reporting documentation.
The place where the exam was given, as stored in Medical's Locations table.
The type of lens worn by the student, for example, contact or glasses. Also can be used to indicate whether the test was taken with or without glasses on, depending on the selections defined in Medical's Lens Types table.
Right Vision
The result of the exam for the right eye. This may be either a code or the Snellen visual acuity chart values in the format XXX/XXX, for example, 20/100. Character/7
Left Vision
The result of the exam for the left eye. This may be either a status code or the Snellen visual acuity chart values in the format XXX/XXX, for example, 20/100. Character/7
Indicates if this exam record applies to testing near or far vision.
N - Near - to indicate the results are for a near vision test. F - Far - to indicate the results are for a far vision test.
Leave the field blank if your district does not report near and far vision test results separately.
Test Type
The type of screening performed. Your district defines the possible test types. For example, your district may track results for exams given using a Snellen chart or a Titmus Vision Tester.
Plus Lenses
The result of the plus lenses test.
Right Muscle Balance
The result of the exam for the right eye muscle.
Left Muscle Balance
The result of the exam for the left eye muscle.
Color Blindness
The result of the color blindness exam.
The result of the binocularity test.
The result of the stereo vision test.
Unlimited free text about the exam. Character/Unlimited
Referral Detail Section
Referral Code
The code describing the type of referral.
Referral Date
The date on which the referral was made.
Followup Code
The code indicating what kind of follow-up was made.
Followup Date
The date on which the follow-up information was received. For example, a student was referred to the ophthalmologist on 12/1/2010. The ophthalmologist examines the student on 12/15/2015 and sends a note indicating that the student needs glasses. Because the note was received by the nurse's office on 12/20/2015, you would enter 12/20/2015.
Doctor's Name
The name of the doctor who provided care. Character/255
Referral Comments
Comments about the referral. Character/255
To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save.
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