eSchoolPlus Icons
This topic provides an overview of the icons used throughout eSchoolPlus.
eSchoolPlus Banner Options
The following icons display in the eSchoolPlus banner.
Icon | Description |
Bell | Open the Notifications viewer. |
Star | Open your list of favorites or add the current option as a favorite. |
Question Mark | Display the online help system. |
User Initials | Displays options to print pages, set preferences, subscribe to notifications, and sign out of eSchoolPlus. |
Home | Opens the home page of the eSchoolPlus application. |
Page Or Panel Options
The following icons are commonly available on eSchoolPlus pages and panels. Additional icons may display.
Icon | Description |
Add | Add a record. |
(Additional Options) | Complete additional tasks that can be performed from a page or panel. For example, you can save a search from the Student Search page by clicking the Additional Options icon and selecting Save Search. |
(Attach) or (Attachment) | Access attachments. In the Student Information bar, the Attachment icon indicates the student has an attachment. |
Back | Go back to the previous page for a menu option. |
(Calendar) | Calendar to select a date or a date range. |
(Checklist) | Go to the building or district checklist, depending on whether the current page is a setup defined by building or district. |
(Clear Sort Criteria / Clear Filter) | Clears the sort field selection or selected filters in a Search pane. |
(Collapse) | Collapse the panels on the page; a single panel; or a section within a panel. |
(Add Comment) or (View/Edit Comments) | Access comments. The View/Edit Comments icon indicates that comments exist. |
Copy | Copy a record. On many setup pages, this option displays the Copy Setups page. |
(Date/Time Stamp) | View the change information for the record. If a page displays information from multiple records, the user and time information from the most recent change is displayed. This option displays for users with security to view the change date/time stamp. |
(Delete) | Delete the displayed record or selected records. |
(View Detail) | Go to the detail page. |
Edit | Click to open fields to edit data. |
(Email) | Email the student's guardians and teachers. |
(Expand) | Expand the panels on the page; a single panel; or a section within a panel. |
(Export to Excel) | Export the search results to Excel. |
(Export to PDF) | Export the search results to PDF. |
(List) | Navigate back to the associated list page. Note that this icon is not used to access the search results page. |
Load | Display results based on your search or selections. |
(Medical Alert) | Indicates a medical alert for the student in the student header row. |
(Navigate) | Navigate to the associated page. For example, quickly navigate to student's Schedule Entry page from the Student Summary page by clicking the Navigate icon on the Schedule panel. |
(Next) | Navigate to the next page in a sequence. |
(Next Set) | Display the next set of details in the student banner. |
(Next Student) | Navigate to the next student's details. |
(Notes) | Access notes. |
(Previous Set) | Display the previous set of details in the student banner. |
(Previous Student) | Navigate to the previous student's details. |
Run | Run the task or report as specified. |
(Quick Help) | Display a tooltip that provides a brief description of the field. |
Save | Save records. |
Search | Display the search page to search for records or to select a record from the search results. |
(Select All) | Selects all the options in a drop-down menu. |
(Settings) | Displays the settings associated with the widget or pane. |
(View Search Favorites) | Displays the search settings saved as favorites. |
(View Checklist) | Displays the checklist used to create a record or report. |