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eSchoolPlus Icons

This topic provides an overview of the icons used throughout eSchoolPlus.

eSchoolPlus Banner Options

The following icons display in the eSchoolPlus banner.

eSchoolPlus banner



Bell icon

Open the Notifications viewer.

Star icon

Open your list of favorites or add the current option as a favorite.

Question Mark icon
Question Mark

Display the online help system.

User Initials

Displays options to print pages, set preferences, subscribe to notifications, and sign out of eSchoolPlus.

Home icon

Opens the home page of the eSchoolPlus application.

Page Or Panel Options

The following icons are commonly available on eSchoolPlus pages and panels. Additional icons may display.



Add Program Row or Add List Field icon

Add a record.

Additional Options icon
(Additional Options)

Complete additional tasks that can be performed from a page or panel. For example, you can save a search from the Student Search page by clicking the Additional Options icon and selecting Save Search.

Attach icon
(Attach) or
Attachment icon

Access attachments. In the Student Information bar, the Attachment icon indicates the student has an attachment.

Back icon

Go back to the previous page for a menu option.

Calendar icon

Calendar to select a date or a date range. 

Checklist icon

Go to the building or district checklist, depending on whether the current page is a setup defined by building or district.

Clear Sort Criteria or Clear Filter icon
(Clear Sort Criteria / Clear Filter)

Clears the sort field selection or selected filters in a Search pane.

Collapse icon

Collapse the panels on the page; a single panel; or a section within a panel.

Add Comment icon
(Add Comment) or
View or Edit Comments icon
(View/Edit Comments)

Access comments. The View/Edit Comments icon indicates that comments exist.

Copy icon

Copy a record. On many setup pages, this option displays the Copy Setups page.

Date or Time Stamp icon
(Date/Time Stamp)

View the change information for the record. If a page displays information from multiple records, the user and time information from the most recent change is displayed.

This option displays for users with security to view the change date/time stamp.

Delete icon

Delete the displayed record or selected records.

View Detail icon
(View Detail)

Go to the detail page.

Edit icon

Click to open fields to edit data.

Email icon

Email the student's guardians and teachers.

Expand icon

Expand the panels on the page; a single panel; or a section within a panel.

Export to Excel icon
(Export to Excel)

Export the search results to Excel.

Export to PDF icon
(Export to PDF)

Export the search results to PDF.

List icon

Navigate back to the associated list page. Note that this icon is not used to access the search results page.

Load icon

Display results based on your search or selections.

Medical Alert icon
(Medical Alert)

Indicates a medical alert for the student in the student header row.

Navigate icon

Navigate to the associated page. For example, quickly navigate to student's Schedule Entry page from the Student Summary page by clicking the Navigate icon on the Schedule panel.

Next icon

Navigate to the next page in a sequence.

Next Set icon
(Next Set)

Display the next set of details in the student banner.

Next Student icon
(Next Student)

Navigate to the next student's details.

Notes icon

Access notes.

Previous Set icon
(Previous Set)

Display the previous set of details in the student banner.

Previous Student icon
(Previous Student)

Navigate to the previous student's details.

Run icon

Run the task or report as specified.

Quick Help icon
(Quick Help)

Display a tooltip that provides a brief description of the field.

Save icon

Save records.

Search icon

Display the search page to search for records or to select a record from the search results.

Select All icon
(Select All)

Selects all the options in a drop-down menu.

Settings icon

Displays the settings associated with the widget or pane.

(View Search Favorites)

Displays the search settings saved as favorites.

View Checklist icon
(View Checklist)

Displays the checklist used to create a record or report.
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