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eSchoolPlus Release

Resolved Issues

The following issues were resolved in this release.

Reference Number




Advanced Search - Summer School Environment

Resolved an issue where the student search could return empty rows when in a summer school environment. The rows would display with commas. These rows should not have been available and will now not display.


Attendance View Setup

Updated the processing to copy attendance view setups to multiple configurations simultaneously, instead of one configuration at a time when the Building and View Type combined values are unique.



New Calendars being added after cycle flag changes have happened, were causing all cycle flags to change. This has been resolved.


Course Catalog Mass Update

Corrected an issue with the Course Catalog Mass Update and the search results that were being returned.


Daily Log

When entering data in the daily log without leaving the row and then clicking on Notes, would sometimes lose data in that row since the row had not been saved (visible by the green or gray dot). This has been resolved.


District Defined Setup

When creating a new district defined page with a number greater than 8999, an error was occurring, and the validation message did not explain the problem. This has been resolved.


Immunization Calculation

Removed the filter option for Personal data in the Immunization Calculation.


Missing Submissions

Menu items for the Missing Submission pages have been renamed to include which missing submission they are for.

Menu path: Administration Attendance Setup Setup
Old name: Missing Submissions
New name: Missing Submission Building Setup

Menu path: Administration Mark Reporting Setup
Old name: Missing Submissions
New name: Missing Submission Building Setup

Menu path: Attendance All Reports
Old name: Missing Submission
New name: Attendance Missing Submission

Menu path: Mark Reporting Entry & Reports Progress Reports
Old name: Missing Submission
New name: Progress Missing Submission

Menu path: Mark Reporting Entry & Reports Report Card Reports
Old name: Missing Submission
New name: Report Card Missing Submission


Program Setup

The Program Setup security subpackage and feature were not displaying when they were already set. This has been resolved.



The Registration page was slow to load the State Building of Residence option when it was set to be included on the page; large datasets in the validation data were causing the problem. This has been resolved.


SQL Server

For on-premise customers: The following MSOLEDB Drivers from Microsoft have been tested by PowerSchool. Your System Administrator should install the drivers at a convenient time:

The patch for 18.7.2:
The patch for 19.3.3:


Student Search

Added search or filter options to allow searching on multiple email addresses.


Student Totals Attendance Register Report

A query timeout error was occurring when running the Student Totals Attendance Register report for State Groups. This has been resolved.


TAC My Classes

On the TAC My Classes page, the grid was highlighting the incorrect row as active. This has been resolved.



  • The initial issue in some cases was showing school year headers with no course information details. A fix for this was made, but reverted, and this issue is now available again.

  • Some transfer courses were not appearing on the transcript if they were in school years where no courses in the student’s home building had marks entered for the student, even if the transfer courses had marks entered. This has been resolved.

  • The transcript will now include transfer courses for school years that do not have any enrollment building courses for that school year with marks entered, regardless of whether the Print Courses without Marks box is selected or not.

SHA256 Hash Information

Reference Number




SHA256 file hashes for installation utilities

The SHA256 File Hashes for the release are as follows:

  • espUpdateUtility.exe: 33D8A7E855CC88AAC8FC443D165A9922B388AA4DC8D8CE23115C98DAD3F1CDC8

  • eSPScriptRunner.exe: 6C47C98BA5CB235242B2B91BCB897B7E57F92869DA7E639A451E0D7DA91E00A5

  • DistrictConfig.exe: F57C895C935F76C488A048E5A6A0D18ECF8DA5DD7CD9C990F42D289FFAD30426

State Reporting

This release includes changes for the following states:

  • California

  • Connecticut

  • Illinois

  • New York

  • Ohio

  • Oregon

  • Pennsylvania

  • Texas

  • Virginia

  • Washington

Release notes are available on your state's eSchoolPlus online documentation site.

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