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eSchoolPlus Release

New Feature

The eSchoolPlus Maintenance release includes the following new feature.



Validation Tables (Discipline - Reported/Referred To) and Mark Types

The State Code Equiv values have been added to the Discipline - Reported/Referred To validation table and on the Mark Types page. You can add, update, and delete these State Code Equiv values.

Resolved Issues

The following issues were resolved in this release.

Reference Number



ESP-59896Schedule Entry

Corrected spelling error when attempting to add a previously dropped course section.

ESP-70741TAC Test Scores

On the TAC Test Scores page, corrected an error where the initial columns did not match the default test if the user had saved a default selection other than the first view in the list.

ESP-72199Saved Searches

If the user has more than one role and a search is saved to multiple roles, the saved search would duplicate for the user. This has been resolved.

ESP-73604Report Card Mark Types

Copy Setups was not copying the mr_mark_types_lms_map records correctly which was resulting in an error for report card mark types. This has been resolved.

ESP-74162Export to Excel (Icon) and Export to PDF (Icon)

The Generation displayed as part of the student’s name in search results but did not display in the Excel export or PDF. This has been resolved.

ESP-76015TAC Student Drawer - Summer School

Improved performance of SQL queries involved in loading the Student Drawer in Summer School when the district has the “Allow Access to All Students” flag enabled in the TAC District Configuration.

ESP-76765Incident Detail - Actions

The Actual Duration, Reason for Difference, and Date Determined fields were getting saved without entering a Scheduled Date. This has been resolved.

ESP-78488Incident Detail (Discipline Victim Actions)

When adding discipline victim actions, the data was displaying incorrectly duplicating for all victims. This has been resolved.


Corrected a display error where the contact information was not displaying correctly when searching for an existing contact before adding a new contact for a student.

ESP-79206Schedule Entry

There was a display error with the section number displaying “undefined” when scheduling students. This has been resolved.

ESP-79578Master Schedule

When saving Master Schedule records, the Gradebook Category Types task was running for all courses each time it would sync. This has been resolved.

ESP-79678Contact Detail

Users with limited address resources were getting an error saving student contact relationship information. This has been resolved.

ESP-81818Programs (Completely Linked to Entry/Withdrawal)

When using Link Type L (Completely matching, but allowing changes within Entry/Withdrawal Vectors) if the student’s Entry/Withdrawal vector changed since changes were made to the dates for the student’s date-tracked information in Programs, then the Programs page for the student showed the Entry/Withdrawal information instead of the saved date-tracked information in the database. The following changes have been made to how the processing will work.

  • The Programs page (date-tracked information) will always show what is in the Database NOT defaults from Entry/Withdrawal.
  • In the Entry/Withdrawal page, if an existing entry date or withdrawal date is modified and there is at least one program with Link Type L (REG_PROGRAM_SETUP link type L), an informational message will display on Save that the Linked Program data needs to be updated manually: “Your district has at least one Completely Linked Program. Please go to the Program and manually update any invalid data for this student.”
ESP-82291Mark Reporting Details and Transcript Summary

Grade changes in Mark Reporting Details were causing earned credit changes unexpectedly. The earned credit sync has been updated to properly calculate the earned credit for a course grade when the grade is modified on the Mark Reporting Detail page. This will now properly reflect the earned credit seen on the Transcript Summary.

ESP-82307Mass Extract of Attachments

Running the Mass Extract of Attachments was failing with a memory error. This has been resolved.

ESP-83593Student Search Results

Corrected two issues in the Student Search results grid:

  • In the Next Year/Summer School, it was showing a blank row for students that a user had access to in their Regular Year building but not in their Next Year/Summer building.
  • In the Current Year, it was showing a blank row for inactive students in a building the user did not have access to in certain situations.
ESP-83914HAC Alerts

HAC alert emails were failing in some email clients because the HTML alert emails were using Linux-style line endings instead of Windows line endings. This has been resolved.

State Reporting

This release includes changes for the following states:

  • California
  • Connecticut
  • Illinois
  • Maryland
  • New Jersey
  • Ohio
  • Pennsylvania
  • Texas
  • Virginia
  • Washington

Release notes are available on your state's eSchoolPlus online documentation site.

Database Changes

The following changes are included for the Discipline Referral validation table and on the Mark Types page in this release.

Base Database Table Changes

Table Name



Added the State Code Equiv values that are restricted to 5 characters for the Discipline - Reported/Referred To validation table. These values are not a required field type.


Added the State Code Equiv values to each tab of the 5 grids available for a building on the Mark Types page. These values are not a required field type.

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