eSchoolPlus Release
Resolved Issues
The following issues were resolved in this release.
Reference Number | Page | Description |
ESP-79270 | Attendance Detail | Attendance codes not valid in the selected building were displayed in the list of options. This has been resolved. |
ESP-77823 | Incident Offender Action | Deleting an Incident Offender Action was not deleting corresponding records for the Offender Action user-defined pages. This has been resolved. |
ESP-79580 | OneRoster - GetUser (Student) | Updated the Grade field for Get User - Student to retrieve the CEDS equivalent value instead of the local grade value. |
ESP-74923 | Plan Area Search | Resolved the case-sensitive Plan Area Search widget on the Student Addresses and Contact Detail page. |
ESP-79800 | Re-enroll Student | Users with limited building access could not access inactive students to re-enroll a student. This has been resolved. |
ESP-79979 | Schedule Entry | Users were unable to schedule courses for future students (students being withdrawn from other buildings as of the current day). This has been resolved. |
ESP-80068 | Report Pages | The dialog box that appears after the report generation was failing. Updated the following pages to show the report file when the report dialog box appears:
ESP-78637 | Attendance Criteria Calculation | The Communication History page was showing multiple trigger dates, one for each date the student had attended. The calculation has been modified to have one trigger date with all of the Attendance from the first day of school captured. |
State Reporting
This release includes changes for the following states:
- Illinois
- Maryland
- Ohio
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Texas
- Virginia
- Washington
Release notes are available on your state's eSchoolPlus online documentation site.