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eSchoolPlus Release

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19.4. Other than the release notes for 19. 11 and 19.4, the documentation in this eSchoolPlus Help site describes the functionality of the 20.4 and 21.4 releases.

New Features

The following features have been added in this release.

Product Area

Feature Title

Feature Description

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eSchoolPlusLearning Locations - Substitute Attendance SheetAdded a column to the Substitute Attendance Sheet display the Learning Location icon for the students in the class or homeroom on the date. The icons will indicate if the student is In School, Virtual/Synchronous, or Virtual/Asynchronous. If a student does not have an icon, it means either the calendar or the student is not set up properly.Substitute Attendance Report Page
eSchoolPlusLearning Locations - Verify teacher attendance

Added the Office/Teacher Attendance Verification option to allow office staff to reconcile office and teacher attendance entries by comparing the current bottomline and the teacher attendance values. For example, attendance may need to be reconciled if a student had an absence entered by the office and then the teacher enters attendance indicating that the student's participated in a meeting or assignment.

As attendance is verified, a new office entry can be entered to record the attendance reported by the teacher to update the student's bottomline.

Office/Teacher Attendance Verification


Learning Locations - Attendance Comment

To support the ability to record student participation information for hybrid and virtual classrooms, we have added the ability to add an attendance comment to the TAC Attendance List page. Comments can only be recorded if the teacher is reporting an attendance code.TAC Help
TACLearning Locations - Select location types to displayOn the Class Roster and Gradebook, teachers can select to show or hide students with learning locations that are tied to In School, Virtual/Synchronous, and Virtual/Asynchronous in the calendar. Students can also be sorted by clicking on the sort icon at the top. The students will sort in the following order: In School, Virtual/Synchronous, Virtual/Asynchronous, no learning location type. Within each group, students will then be sorted by student name. If the teacher has selected to show withdrawn students grouped, then students will be grouped first by active or withdrawn, and then by learning location within that.TAC Help
eSchoolPlusUpdate Utility Improvement

The update process has been modified so that the Update Utility will now update the DCU on eSchoolPLUS Servers. The DCU will no longer be available as a separate file download in the packages. See the Update/Upgrade Guides for more information.

eSchoolPlusPowerSchool Enrollment Integration - School locator endpoint

This new endpoint will be used exclusively by the Enrollment application at this time. It takes a school year, student grade, and street address as input. It uses the GeoCode plans and zones to identify potential buildings of residence. If buildings are found, the building details are returned as a response.

The endpoint also indicates whether Geocode is used, whether plans are overlapping, and the current year and next year for the district. The year will be used as the Enrollment school year.

eSchoolPlusPowerSchool Enrollment Integration - Contact endpointThis new contact API endpoint will be called to perform an enhanced search for searching contacts by the Enrollment application.
eSchoolPluseSchoolPlus API - Generic search objectThe generic search object was developed to execute the requested search which uses eSchoolPlus search framework. This can be called by applications through API endpoints for using the existing functionality of eSchoolPlus Search.

Resolved Issues

The following issues are resolved as fixes in this release.

Reference Number



ESP-42066Day Totals

If the summer school and regular year calendars had overlapping membership days and the student was in both calendars, the page was displaying multiple records for the same day on the Student Day Totals page. This has been resolved.

ESP-41813Copy Calendar

Fixed issue during the calendar copy that the learning location settings were not removed if a calendar without learning location settings was used to copy over an existing calendar that did have learning location settings.

ESP-42296District Course Sequencing

An error was occurring when entering a mark type for a prerequisite on the District Course Sequencing page. This has been resolved.

ESP-41769District Course Sequencing

On the District Course Sequencing page, if you change the filter to Prerequisites, Scheduled with, or Not with and then save, records that not displayed are deleted. For example, if you filter to Not With and save, then records defined as Prerequisites or Scheduled with were deleted. Resolved this issue. Note that during the save, it will show All records and then return to the filtered set after the save is complete.

ESP-41624eSchoolPlus/PowerSchool Enrollment Integration

An error would occur sometimes when sending Contact Phone information for students or guardians from Enrollment into eSchoolPlus. This has been resolved.

ESP-43225eSchoolPlus/Schoology Integration

Modified the Stored procedure that updates the Assignments to default the Use Rubric to N instead of NULL.

ESP-43658eSchoolPlus System

One of the internal classes used for grouping static strings (i.e. States: PA, NY, NJ, MD, etc.) was not thread safe. Errors would occur if multiple threads accessed the initialization routine of these classes at the same time. The issue has been fixed, and these classes are now thread safe.

ESP-42798Family App

The Family App guardian login was failing if the guardian had multiple students and the first student's building did not have a HAC Building Configuration defined. This has been resolved.

ESP-25557Favorites Menu

Favorites menu not retaining positions when editing the folders and changing their positions. Resolved this issue.

ESP-44178Generate Report Card Data Warehouse

The Report Card free-text comments were not being included in the data warehouse if the comments were in a building other than the building from the prompts. This has been resolved.

ESP-44178Generate Report Card Data Warehouse

The Report Card free-text comments were not being included in the data warehouse if the comments were in a building other than the building from the prompts. This has been resolved.

ESP-26668HAC - Schedule

On the Schedule, the course attachment link was displaying the URL instead of the description. This has been resolved.

ESP-42642HAC - Week View

Courses were not displaying on the Week View if the course had been dropped during the week that was displayed. This has been resolved.

ESP-33485HAC Building Configuration

HAC Building Configuration was not deleting the record until the page was refreshed or the user left and came back to the page. This has been resolved.

ESP-43005HAC Logins

When a user had two open logon tabs, logs into one, then logs into the other, the first session was getting overridden by the new one. This caused certain interactions on the existing page to errors (like attempting to access the Enrollment SSO links). This has been resolved.

ESP-29041Mark Reporting Competency Setup

Competency setup was not displaying a warning if the same competency code was entered twice for the same building. This issue has been resolved.

ESP-42087Medical Send Communications

The dates in the drop down for the Medical Send Communications were not in any specific order. Now dates will be listed in descending order.

ESP-42599Offender Detail

Adding a new non-student from the offender detail page was failing. This has been resolved.

ESP-42468P360 API

The P360 eSchoolPlus endpoint that is used to POST StudentProgramStatus has been modified to not validate against other program data the student has. It will now only validate the data for the program and field number in the POST. It will still validate historical data for the specific program and field number being submitted.

ESP-43977P360 API - OneRoster

Performance has been improved on the P360 API when getting Enrollment records through One Roster.


Users were unable to save changes on the Registration page if they only had Read access to the REG-MAINT - LOCKBLDOVR security resource and the building override value for the next year was set to L - Locked. This has been resolved.

ESP-26126Schedule Entry

When a user picked the wrong course from the trail options in a model state and then later (before keeping) fixed that trail, and then kept the schedule, the schedule looked correct on schedule entry, but as soon as sync was run, the MR trail data was incorrect because of that original incorrectly selected course. This has been resolved.

ESP-41612Student Banner

The Student Banner in eSchoolPlus has been updated to display a Learning Location program type code in the following scenarios:

  • The student has an active or future learning location program, but does not have a currently active entry/withdrawal record.
  • The student has a currently active learning location program, but today is not a membership day on their calendar.

ESP-42494TAC - Class Roster

On the TAC Class Roster page, the District Defined Alerts did not always show as expected if the course had students from multiple buildings and not all of the buildings were set up for district-defined alerts. This issue has been resolved.

ESP-43907TAC - Classwork Report

When selecting a student from the search, the classwork report was not correctly displaying the student name. This has been resolved.

ESP-42149TAC - Copy Assignments

TAC copy assignments was not copying course attachments. This has been resolved.

ESP-41962TAC - Email

When a teacher is defined as both a teacher and a substitute for another teacher, the email that goes in the Report and the Copy (if enabled) did not always come from the correct email address. This has been modified so the processing will first check if the user has an actual staff record. If they do, then it will use that. If not, it will treat them as a substitute.

ESP-42785TAC - Gradebook

If the amount of assignments that are droppable is less than or equal to the drop lowest value, then no assignments should be dropped. It was only following this logic if the drop lowest was equal to 1. Modified to work the same if drop lowest is greater than 1. This was fixed on the Gradebook Entry page, the Student Detail Report, and the Student Averages Report.

ESP-42997TAC/HAC Login

Certain character combinations, such as &# in a user password were causing an immediate error when logging into HAC or TAC pages. This has been resolved.

ESP-29245View Task Logs

Task Log messages were not getting filtered as expected for IS NOT IN and IS IN conditions. This issue has been resolved.

State Reporting

This release includes changes for the following states:

  • California
  • Illinois
  • Maryland
  • Michigan
  • New York
  • Ohio
  • Pennsylvania
  • Texas
  • Virginia
  • Washington

You can access all State Reporting Release Notes from PowerSource.

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