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Enrollment Online Forms Page

Use this page to view information that was submitted for a student in a new enrollment or update form in the Enrollment Online software. After parents have submitted a form, the registrar can review the form and make any required changes prior to accepting the form. When the form is accepted, the student's information is added or updated in eSchoolPlus.


Student Information Bar

The bar, which displays on all student pages just below the Home icon and Menu button, includes options to view the student's alerts, attachments, and notes and to email the student's teachers and guardians.

Application Forms Panel



Form Name

The form's name. Click the Form Name link to open the form a new window. For update forms, the fields that are updated are displayed with a yellow background to indicate that the value entered in the form is different from the student's current value.

You can make changes to the form before it is accepted, by using the (Registration > Entry & Reports > Office > Enrollment Application Approval) menu option.

Form Type

The form's type.

Form Status

The status of the form indicates whether eSchoolPlus information for the student was updated. The possible status codes are:

Submitted - the parent submitted the form to the school. The registrar has not processed the form yet.
Saved, but not submitted - the parent started filling out the form and saved it, but has not submitted it to the school yet.
Accepted - registrar accepted the form. The student's information was added or updated in eSchoolPlus.
Pending - registrar updated the status to indicate that the form is being processed.
Denied - registrar did not approve the changes in this form and the changes were not entered in eSchoolPlus.


The student's current grade for the enrollment year.

Modified By

The last person to modify this form.

Last Modified Date

Date this form was last modified.

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