Use the (Email) icon on the Student Information bar's Student Detail bar to send emails regarding a student to teachers, guardians, or both. The (Email) icon is also available in the Student Summary pop-up window that can be accessed from certain eSchoolPlus pages.
The teachers who can receive emails for a student include the student's scheduled classroom teachers and primary and secondary homeroom teachers. The list of teachers displays on the Student Summary page's Schedule panel, while guardians display on the page's Contacts panel.
Selecting email recipients
When you click the (Email) icon, the Email window displays. The window's To field has a drop-down listing the types of email addresses you can include:
Today's Teachers
Sends the email to all teachers on the student's schedule for today, as well as the primary and secondary homeroom teachers.
All Teachers
Sends the email to all of the students' classroom and homeroom teachers.
All Teachers And Parents
Sends the email to the parents as well as the students' classroom and homeroom teachers.
Sends the email to contacts designated as guardians.
After you select an option, a list of the recipients' addresses displays for your review. However, for privacy purposes, when the email is sent, guardians' addresses will display in the email window's BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) field. This allows guardians to see their addresses but not those of other recipients.
If you only want to send an email to one teacher on the student's schedule and the teacher's name appears as a link in the Student Summary's Schedule panel, click the link to open an email window, instead of using the Email icon. Similarly, if you only want to send an email to one guardian, you can click the guardian's email link in the summary's Contact section. This link only displays if an email address is available for the teacher or guardian.
Generating email addresses
The system, which accesses the regular email client on your computer, selects addresses directly from your eSchoolPlus database. Teacher email addresses are stored on the Staff Catalog's Staff District Information page, while guardian addresses are from the student's Contact page.
If a teacher has more than one email address stored, each address will be added to the email.
If teachers have more than one course scheduled for a student, duplicate addresses will be eliminated, so that they only receive one email per address.
If two guardians share the same address, only one address will be generated. Otherwise, separate addresses will be used for each guardian.
After the addresses are generated, you can add addresses in the Email window's Also field as needed.
Sending an email to a student's teachers and guardians
Select an option to access a student page, for example, Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Academic.
If needed, select a student to display the page selected in Step 1.
On the Student Information bar's Student Detail bar, click the (Email) icon.
In the Email window, select one of the options in the To field: Today's Teachers, All Teachers, All Teachers and Parents, or Parents.
In the Also field, add the email addresses of other recipients, as needed.
Complete the Subject, Priority, and Format fields.
To send a copy of the email to your address, select the following checkbox: Send a copy to me.
Enter your message.
To attach documents, click the Attachments panel'sAdd icon, then use the Insert File window to locate the attachment file. When you find it, highlight the file, and click Insert.
Click Send.
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