Use this page to create dynamic links and dynamic link folders for display on the eSchoolPlus menu.
Dynamic Links
Enable users to access external resources from the eSchoolPlus menu. This can include PowerSchool packages, such as Home Access Center and PerformancePLUS, web pages hosted by your district, or any external Internet website.
Dynamic Link Folders
Enable you to store dynamic links on the eSchoolPlus menu. For example, you can add a folder to an existing eSchoolPlus menu. You also can create a folder that adds a menu to an eSchoolPlus package and then add a folder to this menu.
You can add dynamic links as follows:
To any existing folder on an eSchoolPlus menu. For example, you can add a dynamic link to the Scheduling >Courses > District Courses folder.
To a new folder on an eSchoolPlus menu. For example, you can create a folder on the Registration > Utility menu titled District Maps, then add dynamic links to this folder.
To a new folder on a new menu within an eSchoolPlus package. For example, you can create a Resources folder for the Medical package, which adds a new menu to the package. You then can add a folder titled Hospitals to the Resources menu and add dynamic links for local hospital websites to this folder.
You also can add dynamic links to pages in Home Access Center and Teacher Access Center, using their building configurations. For information on creating these links, refer to Setting Up Dynamic Links for HAC and TAC.
View an existing dynamic link or folder
Navigate to the menu path:Administration,General Setup,System, and then selectDynamic Links.
On the Dynamic Links Search page, click the Title link for the dynamic link or folder you want to view. The Dynamic Links page displays.
Add a dynamic link
Navigate to the menu path:Administration,General Setup,System, and then selectDynamic Links.
On the Dynamic Links Search page, click Add, then select Add Link.
On the Dynamic Links page's Details panel, complete the fields as follows:
Enter a brief title to identify the link.
Menu Path
Click Pick Menu Location, then select the location where the link will be located.
Page URL
Enter the full address. To ensure accuracy, we recommend copying and pasting the URL from the web or server location into this field.
Select the checkbox to open the link in a new window. Otherwise, the link will open in the eSchoolPlus window.
Complete the fields on the Security panel as needed.
Click Save.
Add a dynamic links folder
Besides being able to add a folder to an existing menu, you can create a folder that adds a menu to a package. In this case, you must create a folder within the initial folder, and then add your links to the second folder.
For example, Registration has two options, Entry & Reports and Utilities, each of which has its own menu. You can create a third option with its menu by adding a folder to Registration and then adding a folder to the original folder.
Navigate to the menu path:Administration,General Setup,System, and then selectDynamic Links.
Click Add, then select Add Folder.
On the Dynamic Links page's Details panel, complete the fields as follows:
Enter a brief title to identify the folder.
Menu Path
Click Pick Menu Location, then select where the folder will be located.
Complete the fields on the Security panel as needed.
Click Save.
Note: For a folder to display on a menu, you must add a link to the folder. This also applies when you create a folder within a folder. Neither folder can display unless the final folder contains a link.
Add a dynamic link to open a Cognos report
Users will need the appropriate security to run Cognos reports to run reports from a dynamic link.
Launch Cognos by navigating to the menu path: My eSchoolPlus, All, Reporting, and then select Cognos.
Locate the report that you want to add to the menu.
Right-click on the report, and then select Properties.
Copy the Address (URL).
In eSchoolPlus, navigate to the menu path:Administration,General Setup,System, and then selectDynamic Links.
On the Dynamic Links Search page, click Add, then select Add Link.
On the Dynamic Links page's Details panel, complete the fields as follows:
Enter a brief title to identify the link.
Menu Path
Click Pick Menu Location, then select the location where the link will be located.
Page URL
Enter the following:
Paste the URL copied from the report properties.
Append the following text to the end of the URL: &CAMNamespace=esp&dsn=
Append the Cognos Datasource name referencing the eSchoolPlus database that the report will access.
Select the checkbox to open the link in a new window.
Click Save.
Change a dynamic link or folder
Navigate to the menu path:Administration,General Setup,System, and then selectDynamic Links.
On the Dynamic Links Search page, click the title link for the dynamic link or folder you want to change.
On the Dynamic Links page, change the desired values.
Click Save.
Delete a dynamic link or folder
Navigate to the menu path:Administration,General Setup,System, and then selectDynamic Links.
On the Dynamic Links Search page, click the title link for the dynamic link or folder you want to delete.
On the Dynamic Links page, click (Delete) on the upper right.
In the Delete Confirmation window, click Yes to delete the link or folder.
Deleting a folder also deletes its contents, including links and other folders.
Details Panel
The panel's fields depend on the Menu Type you select when you click Add.
Add Folder - to create a dynamic folder for storing dynamic links. Add Link - to create a dynamic link
Add Folder Fields
The following fields are used to create a folder on the eSchoolPlus menu.
When you initially create and save a folder, a warning indicates that the folder cannot display in the selected location until you add at least one dynamic link to it. This also applies when you are adding a folder to a folder. In this case, the final folder must contain a link, or neither folder will display.
Menu Type
Displays Folder as the menu type if you selected Add Folder from the (Additional options) menu.
Enter a name to identify the folder you are creating.
Menu Path
Click Pick Menu Location, then select a location on the eSchoolPlus menu where you want to add the new folder.
If you select a package, rather than a folder within a package, the new folder will add a menu to the package. For example, Scheduling has three main options, Courses, Student Schedules, and Utilities, each of which has its own menu. Adding a folder to Scheduling will add a fourth menu for displaying other folders.
If you select a menu within a package, the new folder will be added to the menu. For example, selecting Scheduling > Courses, adds a folder to the Courses menu.
Menu Column
Enter a number indicating the column of the menu for displaying the folder. eSchoolPlus menus can display four or more columns, but options display more comfortably in a three-column format. Integer/1
This field does not display when you select a package by itself, as opposed to a folder within a package. For example, if you select Attendance > All, the Menu Column field displays for specifying a column on the All menu. However, the field does not display if you select Attendance by itself.
Add Link Fields
The following fields are used to add a dynamic link to a folder on an eSchoolPlus menu.
Menu Type
Displays Link as the menu type if you selected Add Link from the (Additional options) menu.
Enter a name to identify the link you are creating.
Menu Path
Select a location on the eSchoolPlus menu to display the new link. Click Pick MenuLocation, then select the folder where you want to display the link.
Page URL
Specify the URL address of the site you want to link to.
You can include macros in the URL to pass context-sensitive information to the site. For example, the following URL passes the district, server name, server port, and eSP login:
Note that the first parameter following the URL ( in the example) must be the character ? and that subsequent parameters must be separated by the & character.
Following are the pre-defined macros you can use to pass information to the external resource or site being linked to:
${District} - to pass the district number. ${ServerName} - to pass the server name. ${ServerPort} - to pass the server port. ${StudentID} - to pass the student ID. ${Building} - to pass the building number. ${eSPLogin} - to pass the user’s login for eSchoolPlus.
Checked if you want the link to open in a new window. Unchecked if you want the link to open in the eSchoolPlus window.
Security Panel
Specify the security package for the resource that users must have to access the new folder or link, if any. For example, use REG (for Registration) without specifying a subpackage or feature to limit access to users who have security for any Registration resource.
Specify the security subpackage for the resource that users must have to access the new folder, if any. For example, use REG as the package and MAINT as the subpackage without specifying a feature to limit access to the new folder to users who have security for any Registration Maintenance resource.
Specify the security feature for the resource that users must have to access the new folder. For example, use REG for the package, MAINT for the subpackage, and PERSONAL (for Personal Information page) to limit access to the new folder to users who have security for the Registration Personal page.
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