Click Load at the top right of the page to populate the Selected Students panel.
If you want to exclude a selected student from being deleted, enter a check in the student's (Delete) column, and then click (Delete) at the top right of the Selected Students panel to remove them from the list.
Click Run.
Selected Students Panel
After using the Filter panel to enter criteria, click Load to run the search and display the results on this panel.
Select to exclude a student's record from this list. After students are selected, you must click (Delete) at the top right of the Selected Students panel to remove them.
You can click (Delete) in the column header to alternately select or deselect all students.
Student ID
Identifies the students to delete from eSchoolPlus by their Student ID.
Identifies the students to from eSchoolPlus by their name.
Identifies the student's building.
Identifies the student's grade level.
Identifies the student's house/team.
Identifies the student's counselor.
Identifies the student's status.
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