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Course Graduation Requirement Details Window

This window displays when you click Edit for a course on the Graduation Requirements page. Use the window to change the subject area and area credit details for a course. After you have entered information, click OK to close the window. To save your changes, you must click Save on the Graduation Requirements page.

For more information on Graduation Requirements, refer to Graduation Requirements Page.




School Year

School year when the student took the course.


Building where the student took the course.


Course-section that the student took or is taking.


This is a heading that refers to the next two fields which display the credits for the course.


Displays the attempted credit for course.


Displays the earned credit for course. If a course is in progress, then it is likely that it will have no earned credit or will have earned part of the credit.

Subject Area Grid (Unlabeled)

The following fields indicate the subject area and area credit information for the course.



Subject Area

Subject area to which course credit was applied. Multiple subject areas will be listed for the course if the Master Schedule record for the course-section is defined to divide credits between multiple subject areas or to apply full credit to multiple subject areas.

To add a subject area, select the area in the blank row and then specify the credit to apply to it.

Code Ovr. (Override)

Checked if the associated subject area should override the subject area information in the Master Schedule record. If the checkbox is selected, the Graduation Requirements Calculation will not re-assign the course credit to a different subject area when it is run.


Credit for the course that is applied to the subject area.

Credit Ovr. (Override)

Checked if the value entered in the Credit field should override the credit applied by the Graduation Requirements Calculation. If the checkbox is selected, the Graduation Requirements Calculation will not change the course credit applied to the subject area.


To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save.

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