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Copy Course Catalog District-Defined to Master Schedule Page

Use this page to copy course district-defined values to the course-sections in the Master Schedule. This utility is helpful to distribute values to the Master Schedule when a course district-defined field is added to the system.

To copy course district-defined fields to Master Schedule sections:

  1. Select Scheduling > Utilities > Setup Utilities > Copy Course Catalog District-Defined to Master Schedule.
  2. On the Prompts panel, select the building and screen to copy.
  3. Specify the school year and environment for the Master Schedule records you want to copy to.
  4. In the Process Data field, select how you want to process data for existing values.
  5. On the Fields to Copy panel, select the fields you want to copy. To select all fields, select the Select box in the column header.
  6. Click Run.


Prompts Panel

Copy Course Catalog District-Defined Information from Section




Select the building for which you want to copy Course Catalog district-defined field information to Master Schedule.


Select the district-defined screen you want to copy.

Copy to Master Schedule District-Defined Section



School Years

School year for the Master Schedule records you want to update.

Select years from the field's drop-down list, or click the asterisk to select all years, then remove any that do not apply.

Summer School

Checked if you want to update Master Schedule records for the summer school environment.

Process Data

Indicates how to handle existing values when copying data.


Do not overwrite existing data - to only update district-defined fields that do not have an existing value. This option will skip updating a course-section's district-defined field if it has a value.
Only overwrite with non-blank values - to only update an existing value for a district-defined field if the course's Course Catalog record has a value other than a blank.
Overwrite all existing data - to always update the district-defined fields regardless of whether values exist for the course-section.

Fields To Copy Panel

This panel lists the district-defined fields for the selected screen.

    • To copy field information from the Building Course Catalog to the Master Schedule, select the field's Select box.
    • To select all fields, select the Select checkbox in the column header.
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